Curseworld, Part II

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Season 5, episode 10.

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"Whoa!" Jay gasped as he approached the Preeminent.

"What is that thing?" Kai asked.

"She's the Preeminent. The physical manifestation of the entire Cursed Realm." Zane replied, as they gather on the dock in front of the Preeminent

"I know one thing, she ain't pretty." Cole retorted, as the Preeminent was spitting Ghosts.

"Ew, gross! I'm about to lose my lunch." Jay complained.

"I agree with Jay, this is gross!" Y/n agreed, a disguisted look on her face.

"If we can't stop that, we might lose Ninjago!" Nya uses her powers on it, but the Preeminent is unaffected.

The others followed, firing their elements at the monster, but she was unaffected. She used her long tentacles to chase the ninja.

"She didn't noticed that." Zane said, running away in his mech.

"Oh, I hate unbeatable creatures." Jay sighed, driving away from the tentacles.

"Nothing's unbeatable, Jay." Y/n replied, using her powers to block the tentacles of the Preeminent.

"Get to the ship, hurry!" Nya yelled to the people, splashing the Preeminent every now and then.

"I don't know how to stop this thing! It just keeps coming!" Zane shouted, trying to freeze the monster.

Kai uses his Aeroblade to slice off her tentacle, but two grew back in it's place. "Ah, you stop one, two more grow in its place. If there ever was a time to unlock your True Potential, sis, it's now." He said, turning to his sister.

"Let me just flip the switch. Oh yeah, I'm not a Nindroid. I don't have a switch!" Nya shouted, annoyed.

"If Ghosts can't withstand Deepstone, perhaps the same goes for the Preeminent. But we'll need a larger dose." Zane informed.

"My Bike's made of Deepstone. How about I jam it down her gullet? Cover me!"

Cole throws his bike into the mouth of the Preeminent, she didn't even flinch, but did drop Misako.

"Thanks, Cole. You only made her madder." Jay retorted, firing Lightning at the monster.

"And there goes a perfectly good bike." Cole added, sighing.

"If Lloyd's inside that thing, we have to get closer!" Kai shouted.

"Yeah, easier said than done!" Y/n shouted back, blocking a tentacle with her powers.

The Ninja are still trying to constrain the Preeminent.

"I thought you were gonna get closer?" Nya grunted, fighting off a tentacle.

"You don't think we're trying?" Kai replied, quite annoyed.

"It's too late. We have to get to the ship and protect the people." Wu said, walking towards the ninja with Misako.

"But what about Lloyd?" Y/n asked, pushing a tentacle away.

"Ugh. This is what Lloyd would've wanted." Misako replied.

"To the ship, but we're not leaving anyone else behind!" Kai declared, kicking away a tentacle.

"Whoa!" The Preeminent grabs Zane's mech, making the nindroid fall out.

Wu saved two citizens who were still left behind, "Follow me!" Sensei Wu ran towards the paddle steamer, jumping on it, "That's all of them. We need to get this ship to to put as much water between us as possible."

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