The Temple on Haunted Hill

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Season 5, episode 4.

Words: 2,4K (It's short af sorry.)

"Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple, the historical landmark and former home of Sensei Yang, the notorious sensei without a pupil, infamous for creating the lost martial art of Airjitzu. Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside, for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise, will be turned into a Ghost permanently. But, if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to hear the Ghost of Sensei Yang himself looking for his lost pupils." Patty Keys was telling the group she was touring around.

 "I hope it's not a rumor, for it's our only hope!" Zane yelled.

"Ah, sorry about my loud friend." Cole apologised.

"He's a little hard of hearing." Y/n added, smiling innocently.

"Known for his un-" Patty clears her throat "-usual teaching methods."

"I thought you said you fixed him?" Kai whisper-shouted at Jay.

"At least he's no longer talking backwards. I guess my tinkering got his volume level stuck, hehe." Jay chuckled nervously.

"At least you can understand me now!" Zane shouted again.

"Dating back, ahem, to the Edo Period..." Patty got annoyed by the five.

"Well, from now on, only speak if you have something really important to say." Cole told the nindroid.

"Who put you in charge?" Kai asked Cole.

"He himself did." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"After you guys mucked it up, it's my turn to be in charge. And, like me, I like my plans simple. We sneak in, learn Airjitzu from the Ghost of Sensei Yang, then get out before sunup." Cole told them.

"Since Morro already knows Airjitzu, we just have to hope he hasn't figured out the next clue." Kai said, not knowing Y/n had read the scroll as well.

"Well, the sun is setting, which means we should head back to the bus. Wouldn't want anyone to turn into a Ghost." Patty motioned to everyone to get into the bus, they all chuckled at her statement. The ninja stayed at the temple, waiting for the night to kick in.

At night, the ninja sneak towards the temple. Cole and Jay try to remove one of the planks that cover the windows. Kai, Y/n and Zane just walk through the door.

The two boys run after them, the door automatically closing and locking when they're inside.

Jay opened at door, revealing a library.

The ninja look around, as Cole sees a spider-like thing in front of him. "Argh!"

Kai shooed the spider away, "Relax. If this place is truly haunted, we just need to wait until he shows himself."

"Uh, he should've been here by now." Cole muttered. "You heard the tour guide, if we're not out by sunup, we'll be Ghosts."

"You didn't buy into that malarky, did you?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, I don't wanna be a Ghost. Who wants to be a Ghost? Why didn't anyone warn us this place would get so creepy after dark?" Cole repeated, panicking.

"Do you want to go in when it's light and turn into a ghost immediately? Didn't think so." Y/n sighed.

"Uh, remind me again why we agreed to put the guy afraid of Ghosts in charge?" Jay asked, glancing at the black ninja.

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