The corridor of elders

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Season 4, episode 10.

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"Chen has—kai Village—Everyone—" Nya spoke over the radio in Y/n's truck.

"Attacked first—Nothing—Stop them!" She continued.

"Hurry—too late!-" The radio started to buzz, making Y/n groan and hit her head on the steering wheel.

"I can't use my dragon. Walking to there takes to long. Let's take the truck." Y/n muttered, turning the key that was still in the truck. 

The elemental masters met up at the cave, by Neuro who sended a message.

"Thank goodness you got my message." Neuro sighed in relief, as he watched all the masters walk in.

"Look at you."

"The spell is wearing off, but my father's antics sadly have not." Skylor replied, smiling.

"Tea?" Wu offered, Garmadon wanted to take a cup but Wu gave it to Misako instead.

"He knows about the letter?" Lloyd asked his father, sighing.

"The message was delivered."

"So why were we asked here? We should be fighting snakes." Turner asked, making everyone turn to him.

"Because anyone can fight. Only one side can declare victory." Wu replied, taking a sip of his tea.

"In the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over the entire Eastern seaboard and is moving inland. With each village destroyed, they grow stronger." Nya pointed at a map.

"That's a lot of red. Karlof not like red." Karlof clenched his fists. Kai frowned, earning a little chuckle from Y/n, who stood next to him.

"How are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our dragons, not to mention we're outnumbered ten to one." Gravis asked.

"Actually, 62.4 to one." Zane corrected, being the nindroid he is.

"Look, I'm scared like the rest of you. It may look like we've lost, but it's not over. When we thought we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit. We let it fuel it. We grew stronger." Lloyd encouraged the group.

"There's hope. The corridor of elders." Wu pointed somewhere on the map.

"Corridor of Elders?"

"I know we don't stand much of a chance taking on his entire army at once, but after he's controlled the East, he'll move West tomorrow and have to pass through . Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottlenecks: here, at the Corridor of Elders, the monuments honoring our ancestors. It's the narrowest channel, but out greatest chance."

"If we can't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like dominos." Garmadon added.

"Karlof not like to lose. Karlof fueled!"

"Then we have one day to save tomorrow." Everyone cheers.

The Ninja head to different locations to recruit the citizens. Kai went to doomsday comix.

"I wish I could say we're not facing an army unlike we've ever seen." Kai stated.

"But we have, and we know what they're capable of." Y/n added, while being at a amusement park.

"Right now, our cities and villages are falling, which is why we're asking everyone to rise up." Jay was on the junkyard.

"We all may have different backgrounds, but we all share the same future." Zane was at his own statue.

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