Operation Land Ho!

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Season 6, episode 9.

Words: 1,5K (It's so short.)

After Jay used the traveler's tea, he fell down onto the pile of junks in Ed and Edna's Scrap n' Junk. He screamed while falling down, earning the attention of his parents.

"What is that racket?" Ed gasped, running out the trailer, "Our son!"

"Oh, you mean our adopted son, Ed. Remember?" Edna reminded, running towards the master of lightning.

"Of course I remember, Edna. But this is the second time he's landed on our doorstep, and if you think I'm not going to help him, well, you don't know the man you married." Ed replied.

"Of course I know. That's why I married you. Oh, I hope he's all right." Edna said, looking at their adopted son.

"Now, how does someone just fall from the sky?" Ed questioned.

Jay slowly woke up, "Mom? Dad?"

Jay was sipping his soup he got from his parents, a blanket wrapped around him.

"And then when I tried to save Nya with the Traveler's tea, she said since I had the most important wish, I was the one who needed to be saved. Then she pushed me through the portal. I had no idea where I was going. I guess with my parents on my mind, it sent me where I needed to be." He explained, sighing.

"Oh. Hear that? He called us his parents." Edna said, smiling.

"So that's why Ninjago is falling apart." Ed added.

"If I could take back the wishes, I would. But I can't. It cost me my sister, my friends, the love of my life, and most importantly, the two people who care for me the most. And now it's up to me, and me alone, to stop the wedding and save the world. Just one guy against a Djinn and his entire army.

"Now you stop it. Stop making excuses." Ed growled, folding his arms.

"Uh, excuse me?"

"Every time you're over your head, you make a joke and you try to laugh it off. Right now is not a time to be a man of words, but a man of action."

"Ed, don't be so hard on him." Edna replied, sighing.

"N-Now, he needs to hear this, darling. The world is falling apart, and he's eating soup."

"But I told you, it's just me." Jay shrugged, not really knowing where this conversation is going.

"Hush, puppy! You're liked by everyone who meets you. You're telling me a boy from a junkyard can't scrap together a few friends to help him out in a jam?"

Jay prepares to depart. "Good luck infiltrating the wedding, son." Ed smiled, waving.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad. I'll let you know how things go." Jay replied, smiling.

"And after you save Nya, bring her over for a bite. We'd love to see her again."

Jay summons his dragon, flying away to find a team and defeat Nadakhan. "I still think you were hard on him, Ed."

"And that's why I married you, sweetheart."

After reaching New Djinjago, the Ninja replacements; Skylor, Echo Zane, Soto, Ronin, Dareth.

"Wait for me over there. I'll get Nya." Jay whispered to the others, making his way to the window which is the closest to Nya. "Psst. Nya."

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