Public Enemy Number One

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Season 6, episode 2.

Words: 2,6K

It's been a few days. The first four days everyone was alone, but eventually, coincidentally enough, Jay and Y/n found each other and decided to continue their way together.

Just a few hours later, Y/n and Jay were together, walking towards a bar. Jay with a bandanna over his mouth and Y/n was wearing one of Cole's hoodies, the hood pulled over her head.

They saw a wanted poster of themselves, Kai, Cole and Zane. They decided to ignore it and Jay pushed open the doors. When the door opened, it revealed a single man watching tv.

"We're closed." He stated, not turning away from the tv.

Jay lowered his bandana, "I'm starving. You got anything?" He asked, motioning to Y/n to stay where she already was.

"Anything? Sure." He points to a nearby vending machine before turning back to the TV. Jay heads over to the vending machine and sees a snack with his and the other ninja's faces on it.

"Ninja chips. Mm. My favorite." Jay checks his pockets for change.

"Any questions?" A man on tv said.

"How do you find a Ninja?" A reporter asked, on the tv.

Jay turns to the bartender, watching the news.

"The Ninja are still at large and public enemy number one."

on TV, a woman was shoving her mic closer to the Commissioner, "Did fame turn them?" Jay turns back to the vending machine and uses his power to hack into it. The Ninja chips start to come loose.

"Gentle." He nervously looks over to the bartender and back. "Gentle." The chips end up stuck. "Oh, come on!" In frustration, Jay short circuits the vending machine, disabling it and turns to the bartender, in shock.

"We've taken their as well as secured their known hideouts." The commissioner said. Jay starts to leave, but rolls a ball on a nearby pool table. "They will be caught and pay for their crime spree." The ball lands into a pocket, attracting the bartender's attention. "I bet my reelection on it." The bartender sees Jay is no longer there and the door is open.

After a while of walking, Y/n's phone vibrated. The twins turned their attention to it. Y/n opened the notification, seeing Kai just updated his status. 

""A place of peace, a place to fight, a brotherhood born on one fateful night."" Y/n read aloud. The two groan loudly, before knowing what he meant. The old, burned down, monastery.

Nya was walking over the street, stopping at a tv store which showed the news. "The Ninja haven't been seen in days but that hasn't stopped one from updating his status. @Fi-ya13 posted: "A place of peace, a place to fight, a brotherhood born on one fateful night. What does it mean?" 

Nya, who has been watching it while in disguise, crossed the street. "Is it a message? Is it a riddle? Or just a bad poem meant for the purple ninja?" The reporter on tv continued. "We all know he secretly has a thing for her." The reporter whispered, before winking at the camera.

"Seriously? We were the last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery? And Lloyd wasn't even trained here."

"We probably weren't the last to figure out. We arrived last." Y/n told her brother, desummoning her dragon.

"It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place, too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found." Lloyd said, turning to the nindroid.

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