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Aimee groaned as she walked into the house. She had been stressed out at work and wanted nothing more than to go home and go to sleep. However the boys seemed to make sure that wouldn't happen.

Joe left the living room and saw his sister standing there. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yep. I'm fine. Be glad when I climb into bed and pretend no one exists."

Joe laughed. He knew his sister and knew how grouchy she got when she was tired. She had no filter and would upset anyone.

Aimee eventually climbed into bed. She groaned at feeling the natural comfort. Just as she was about to close her eyes, she got a text from Ellie;

We need a night out. Up for it? - Ellie x

Aimee grinned. It had been a while since she had been out with Ellie. The two of them had gotten closer as time went on.

She quickly typed out a reply;

Let's do it. I'm free tomorrow night - Aimee x

The next morning, Aimee stumbled downstairs. She looked at her mum. "Can you tell these nutters to keep it down?"

Sandy laughed and nodded. She had adopted Aimee when she was two years old and had been abused. Sandy knew the chances of her having a daughter were slim to none so she decided on adoption. 

The boys had all welcomed Aimee in with open arms. They all adored her. A couple of years after adopting Aimee, she had given birth to the twins.

Aimee went to meet with Ellie. The two girls were heading shopping before they went to the club. "I've been told there's some new hot guy running the club now."

"Who by?"


Aimee rolled her eyes. "Yeah. She's shagging my brother. Don't think she should be talking about hot guys," she told her.

Ellie shrugged. "Don't let it bother you. She likes the attention. She always has."

Later on that evening, Aimee stood in her bedroom. She was getting ready for her night out with Ellie. Sandy walked in and smiled. "You look lovely. You meeting Ellie there?" She asked.

Aimee nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I think I'm staying with her tonight too. Don't wait up."

"Alright love. Take care and if you need anything, call me or the boys."

Aimee and Ellie were in the club. Aimee noticed the guy looking at her. She walked over. "See something you like?" She asked.

"I do as it goes. You."

Aimee grinned. "Buy me a drink and I might just let you know something about me."

"You don't even know my name."

Aimee shrugged. "So tell me."

"Warren. Warren Fox."
Aimee had gone into the office with Warren. The two of them had gotten close. Warren looked at her. "So come on then. Tell me something about you."

"Nothing to tell. I'm a mystery."

Warren smirked and stood between her legs. Aimee bit her lip when she felt his member pressed against her. She looked at him and felt his hand run up Her thigh.

She had no idea that Warren Fox was going to change her life.

Pregnant By The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now