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Aimee walked downstairs. Joe sighed and looked at her. Aimee hadn't spoke to him since had spoken to Warren. It was annoying him. But he only wanted what was best for his sister.

Sandy looked between her son and daughter. She hated how Warren had come between them. She looked at Aimee. "Talk to your brother. He was only looking out for you."

Aimee scoffed and shook her head. "He told Warren to force me into getting rid of the baby. What kind of man does that? I'm sorry. But I can't forgive that."

Sandy sighed and looked at her. She could understand that Aimee was hurt with what her brother had said. "Give it some time love."

Warren was sitting in the club. He wanted to leave and he wanted to take Aimee and their baby with him. But he knew Aimee and she wouldn't leave her mum.

Aimee walked into the office and smiled. "What's got that head thinking?"

"Nothing. You okay?" Warren asked as he pulled her onto his knee.

Aimee shrugged and kissed him. "I think my mum wants me to make up with Joe. I don't know if I can do that. He hurt me," she said.

Sandy walked to the garage. She saw Joe and sighed. "I think you need to apologise to Aimee. She's hurt by what you said," she told him.

Joe sighed and looked at her. "I can't. She's made a mistake getting pregnant. Especially by Warren Fox. He's going to hurt her mum and she'll be left with his baby," he said.

"That's Aimee's choice to make. She knows what she's doing. She will walk away if we keep nagging at her about Warren. We've got to make sure she knows she can count on our support."

Aimee and Megan were sitting in the coffee shop. Megan sighed. "Joe is being a dick Aims. Honestly. You can't let him get to you. It's not worth it," she told her.

Aimee shrugged. "I'm just thinking that if that's what Joe is thinking, is mum and the rest thinking the same? I mean none of them are happy about Warren. But none of them have said it to my face."

"Don't let them bother you. It's okay."

Sandy walked into the club. Warren was there setting up. He turned to Sandy. "Mrs Roscoe."

"Look. You and Aimee are clearly seeing each other. I can't do anything about that. But I'm warning you, if you hurt her or that baby in anyway, I will make you pay. Aimee is my baby and she won't tell anyone when she's upset."

Warren inwardly smirked. He looked at Sandy and smiled. "I'm not going to hurt her. I want her and the baby and no amount of money is making me walk away."

Aimee walked into the house. She saw how there was no one there but Joe. Sighing to herself, Aimee went to leave when Joe stopped her. "I think we should talk. Warren is going to hurt you."

Aimee scoffed. "You just don't get it do you? Nothing is going to make me leave Warren. Our baby is what matters to us."

Joe sighed. He could tell that Aimee was going to be stubborn. But how could he make her see that Warren wasn't the guy she thought he was?

Pregnant By The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now