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Sandy arrived at Warren's flat. She needed to see Aimee before it was too late and she left with Warren. She wasn't going to let her leave.

Warren opened the door and sighed. "Look. Aimee isn't feeling too well today. If you've come to start," he said.

"I haven't. I want to see Aimee. I know I wasn't supportive at first. But she's my daughter. And if she's happy, I'll support you," Sandy said.

Aimee came to the door in Warren's shirt. She looked at her mum. "It's not you I'm worried about. It's Joe and Freddie. They want Warren gone and I've told them. If he goes, I go too."

Sandy shook her head. "The boys are protective after everything you've been through Aims. They want to know you're happy."

"I am happy. Being with Warren makes me happy. If he didn't make me happy, I wouldn't have his baby would I?"

"I suppose not," Sandy said. She sighed and looked at Aimee. "The two of you. Come for dinner tonight. There won't be any fighting from the boys. Megan will be there too."

Aimee looked at Warren who shrugged. "I guess so. But the hint of anyone kicking off and we're leaving."


Aimee went into price slice. She saw Joe standing there. "If you've come to start. Then just save it and piss off. I don't want you near me."

Joe rolled his eyes and sighed. "Mum told me you and Warren were coming for dinner. You're making a huge mistake being with him. He'll hurt you. He's a criminal and you deserve better than that."

"You really can't help yourself can you? You're jealous. I have someone who cares about me. Lindsey is the one who messed you about. Shagged your brother and you. Now she's knocked up and doesn't know who the daddy is. Your life is pathetic and you want to lash out at me for being happy with Warren," Aimee said.


Aimee and Warren arrived at the Roscoe house. Aimee sighed. "Listen. Before we go in there, if you wanna leave at anytime then we can. We can go back to the flat. Have hot sex and order pizza," she said.

Warren smirked and kissed her. "It'll be fine babe. I promise you."

Aimee sighed. The two of them went inside. Sandy smiled. "Hello love. We're having a roast. And before you say anything, it won't be burnt."

Aimee smiled slightly. She walked through to the living room. Megan was there. "There's my knocked up sister. How ya doing?" She asked.

"Can't complain."

The baby has been driving me mad all day. I can feel her moving," Aimee said as she sat down. She saw Warren standing in the doorway. "You can sit down."


During dinner, Aimee was having twinges. She was getting annoyed with how everyone was making digs at everything. She stood up and walked upstairs. She went into the bathroom and took a deep breath.

She went to the toilet and paled when she saw blood. She was scared. She pulled her underwear up and made her way downstairs.

Sandy looked at her. "Aimee? What's wrong darling?" She asked.

"I-I think I'm losing the baby..."

Pregnant By The Bad Boy *Hollyoaks*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora