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AUTHORS NOTE: Megan Roscoe along with any children belong to Carolineeexx.

Aimee groaned as the doorbell woke her up. She looked to see Warren fast asleep next to her. She laid back down and buried her head in his chest. "People are too loud," she mumbled.

"Go back to sleep babe."

Aimee groaned again. "I can't. Too noisy."

Aimee and Warren eventually walked downstairs. Aimee grinned when she saw her sister. "Oh my god! It's the troublesome one!"

"Wow you look knackered. Did that hunk keep you up all night?" Megan asked.

Aimee winked and looked at her. She smiled. "Warren, this is my sister Megan. Megan, this is Warren. He's my baby daddy," she said.

Megan looked at her. "You're pregnant?"

"Aimee nodded. "Yeah and believe, Joesph isn't happy about it. But I don't care."

Megan smiled and hugged her sister. The two of them had always been close growing up. Aimee loved having another girl around so she didn't feel overrun by boys.

Aimee and Megan went into town. Warren had gone to the club. "How did you and that hunk even happen?" Megan asked.

Aimee shrugged. "Went out one night. Met him. Wanted him. Couple of days later, we had sex. Been in a sex only relationship for a couple months," she told her.

"Kinky sod. Must have been good if he got you pregnant. How much were you going at it?" She asked.

Aimee rolled her eyes. "He is good? I mean in bed?"

"He's the best."

Warren was in the club. He had just sent someone off to deliver drugs when Joe came in. Warren rolled his eyes. "Aimee isn't here."

"It's you I've come to see," Joe said. He saw the look on Warren's face. "I think you should convince Aimee she needs to have an abortion. She can't have a baby and she especially can't have your baby."

"I hope she knows that you're here.

Joe shook his head. "No. You can't tell her I've been here. You need to convince her to get rid because her having your baby will ruin her life."

Warren scoffed. He walked into the office guessing that Joe would follow him. "I'm not telling her to do anything."

Joe sighed. "I'll give you money. I'll give you all the money you could want if you leave her and tell her you don't want her to have the baby."

"You're off your head pal."

Aimee had been told what Joe had done. She stormed into the house and punched him. "You're a prick! You know that?!"

Sandy ran in and looked between them. "What's happened?"

Aimee turned to her mum. "Joe here went to see Warren. Offered him money to leave me and convince me to have an abortion! Why would you do that?" She asked.

"Because you can do better than him."

"I don't want better. I want him and he's the father of this baby and I suggest you deal with it or else I'll leave. I'll leave and none of you will see me or my baby again," Aimee warned.

Sandy looked at Joe and then at Aimee. Her whole family was falling apart and it was all because of Warren Fox.

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