Chapter 1

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-"Sam, it is time to get up, sweetheart!" I turned around and got up, so I could put on some clothes. I am in a bad mood, and do you know why I'm in a such bad mood mood? Its because I'm gonna be at a place that no one likes to be at, a living hell to be exact. High school. And why do I hate high school? Because I get fucking bullied. So that's my story.

(skipping to school, because I am lazy)

I was walking down the hall when I got pushed to the lockers. I looked up, and there he was. Alec. My crush since sixth grade. His blue amazing eyes was looking in mine, and I felt like I could just melt. That was of course ended by him slamming my head in the locker one more time.

-"Hey faggot, missed me?" I didn't answered him, to afraid that he was going to beat me up even more if I said no. So I just looked down at my feet, and hoped that he was going to let me go. But to my luck, he didn't. He just pushed me even harder. I let out a little whimper, that made Alec give a smirk. His friends started to laugh. It looked like Alec was going to say something, but the bell cut him off, and I took that chance to run to my class.

I walked into my classroom, and looked over to the back. I always sit there, because I don't get so much attention, and I don't need to be afraid that someone are gonna throw stuff at my back. I like to be the first one in the classroom, because then I don't have to pass other students. But since Alec stopped me before class, almost everyone were there. I walked carefully while I tried my best to not look at the others, but of course someone had to make me stumble, so I felled. Yey that was for trying to not get attention. I just got up, ignored the laughter and walked to the back.

It was almost the end of the schoolday, and the teacher was talking about a project we were going to have. I didn't care that much, I was going to get someone annoying anyway, who always let me do it by my self. I'm just happy if I don't get the most popular girl, Isabell, Alec's girlfriend, or any of the jocks.

-"okay class, the partners are Mia and Isac, Christian and Isabell, Monica and Robin, Sam and Alec....."

Wait, Sam and who? It cant be him. Everyone else except him. I cant do this. I look at him and he gave me a smirk, that cant be good. He walked over to me and sat on the chair right next to me. I didn't want to look up, afraid that I was going to blush if I did. I just looked at my lap, and said:

-" I can do this by myself, and just put your name on it. Then its easier for you."

I looked up carefully, and he looked pretty confused. He got a little bit closer, and of course I blushed. Ho looked down to me and said:

-"No way I'm gonna let you do it by yourself. Pack a bag, you are going to stay with me this weekend, so we can get this done. Is that okay, princess?"

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