chapter 4

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I am just saying thanks to people who reads this story. I know it's a little slow, and not a normal cliché story, but I hope you like it. And I'm really busy in the week, but I'm trying to post as often as I can.

His house were huge. It was like a castle. A stopped walking from the car just because I had to look at it even more. This was not a house you can just walk past, you had to admire it first. But Alec didn't care. He had the same bored expression on his face. But it looked more happy when he saw me admire his house. And of course it made me blush.

I fallowed him into the kitchen, and opened my computer. Maybe if I worked fast enough, I didn't have to be here all weekend. Then a could be in littlespace without any distractions. But he had other plans. He sat down next to me, and started playing games on his phone. So I started with the project, but didn't get really far. I didn't understand the task. People think that guys like me would be smart and love school, but I don't get it. I used to have a private teacher when I was younger, but it got too expensive. so now I was sitting and waited for me to magical start to understand, because I didn't want to make him mad if I asked him for help.

After a while, Alec stopped playing on his phone, and looked at my computer. I had still done nothing, so I just looked down at my lap. He took his hand out and put it on my chin, and lifted my head so I was looking at him. I was so afraid that he was going to punch me, but he didn't. He just said:

-"Don't you understand the task? Why didn't you tell me."

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't just said that I was afraid that he was going to punch me if I asked, because he bullies me, and he do stuff like that. So I just took all of my confidence and said:

-"Because y-you said too your f-friends that I w-was going to do all t-the work." That was smooth.

-"Oh, that was just so I could look cool, of course I'm gonna help you. Sorry about what happened on the parking lot on the diner by the way."

I couldn't believe what he just said to me. He apologized to me? I didn't have so much time to react though, because right after, he moved closer to me, before he took my computer. He was so close that I could actually feel how warm his body was. I blushed again, nothing new.

It ended with him doing the work for us, and I watched. He tried to make me understand, and that was nice. I still couldn't believe that he was actually being nice to me, like he was mean to me like some hours ago. We were finished with the project when the time was like 9, and since its Friday, I don't think Alec was ready to go to bed. I think he actually don't go to bed until at least midnight, even if its school the next day. But I usually go to bed 8:30 every night, even on weekends, so I was getting pretty tired. I tried to hide it, but he noticed and gave a little laugh.

-"Tired already? Okay, put on some pj's, we can watch a movie and order a pizza or something."

-"I forgot it home, I could just stay in my clothes, its fine."

-"No, you can barrow one of my shirts. I just you the pj pants anyway, so you can take that shirt. I think it's a little big for you, so its like a little dress, so I don't see... you know." He smirked.

That was so embarrassing. I'm a boy, its only natural and cute when girls you a boy's t-shirt as a dress. (I, myself don't think that, but you know, details, nobody care? Okay) But I did as he said, and put on the shirt. I walked down do the living room, he was already there, and in just pj pants. Omg his body! I blushed of course, so to distract myself, I looked at the tv, he had put on a movie called toy story, a children movie. Shit. I sat down next to him, but not very closed, and he looked at me.

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