Chapter 6

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I woke up in a room that I never been before. How did I end up here? The memories came back to me, and I felt really embarrassed about what happened last night. And I didn't know what the time was and I have no idea of where I should go. I didn't want Alec to think that I couldn't find the way out by myself, but I didn't wanted to get lost either. Both of them are embarrassing.

I didn't have much time to think, because not many minutes after, Alec knocked on the door and walked in. It looked like he had just taken a shower, his blond hair was wet, but brushed, so it looked styled, and he had taken on some nice clothes. He looked perfect like always. I tried hard not to blush.

-"Good morning sleeping beauty." He said cheerfully. I lost it. I finally blushed, and he noticed, because he started to smirk. Awesome. I didn't say anything to him, so he just kept going.

-"We are going to eat outside today, so pack your stuff, and but on something nice."

And then he just went back to wherever he came from. I got up, and start looking for my clothes. I still wore the Alec'S t-shirt, so I had to find something else. I looked all over the room, and in one of the corner, I found my bag. But to my horror, it was opened. That means that he had checked what was in it, but I hoped that he didn't find my little stuff. I found the nicest of my clothes I brought, and went to the kitchen were Alec were.

-"Hey Alec, do you mind if I used the shower?" I asked shy. I didn't want him to get mad, but it didn't look like he was going to be that anyway. He gave me a smile before getting off the chair and walk to me.

-"You didn't have to ask for it, i idon't mind. You can use the bathroom in my bedroom, it's the nicest."

I was surprised by the answer, but didn't say anything about it. I followed him to his room, and it didn't really shocked me how big it was. I was used by it now. But I got surprised by how clean it actually were. It looked kinda normal, a big bed in the middle of the room, much space to Alec and his girlfriend, the big tv had been put perfect to the bed, it was a big window with a place to sit right next to it, and the walls were painted black. It were also to doors, one to the bathroom, and one to what I think is a walk-in closet. Alec went to the bathroom, found a clean towel to me, and walked back to the kitchen, so I got some space.

After the shower, I packed the last of my stuff inside my bag and went to his car. I opened the door, and got in, and waited for him to came. When he came, he took on his seatbelt, and started the car, but waited to drive, because I had forgot to but my belt on. I got super stressed, and tried to put it on, but I couldn't. it was stuck he bended over me, took the belt, and easy put it on.

-"Here you go, little one." He said and smirked. Not like the nice smile that he had in the morning and stuff, but the one he have every time I do something embarrassing at school. witch happens quite often. So I just sat down and looked at my lap, and felt my cheeks heat up.

It was actually a quite nice day. We went first to a cute café to get some breakfast. He ordered a baguette and a black coffee for him, and a breakfast muffin and a hot chocolate to me. of course. I don't know why I let him order my food. Oh yeah, its because I am afraid of him, and in love with him. Awesome.

After the breakfast, we went to park and just hang out there. I tried the swings for a while. He had seen so much embarrassing things about me just thisweekend, so I didn't care that much. And he didn't laughed at me, he just smiled.

After that he brought me home. He didn't just dropped me off, he followed me inside. And to my room. It felt a little strange, but I liked it. Before he left, he walked to me, so he was standing right next to me, and he looked down at me before he said:

-"I had a great time, princess."

And then he KISSED me. Alec, the most popular boys at school, the one who bullies me, the one who has a GIRLFRIEND, just kissed me. his lips was warm, but soft, and it was perfect. But it didn't last long, because some seconds after, he realized what he did, and took away his lips, before he run out.

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