Chapter 2

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I could not believe what he just called me. He called me princess. First, he has a girlfriend, a GIRLFRIEND, second, he is my bully, and third, I am a boy. Sure I was only 5'4, and he was 6'1, but still. He cant just call me that.

I tried to ignored the nickname, but of course I started blushing. He caught me and gave a smirk to me. This is so awkward. He stand up, and start walking away, but he walked slower then usually. As if he was waiting for me. So I start to run after him. We walk to the parking lot, and I watch every step he take. He don't look at me, but he know that I do. We stop right next to the car I always look at before school. It's a Lamborghini Aventador.

-"Stop staring, and get in the car." He look annoyed. Maybe because he was so used to get so much attention about the car, or maybe he just don't want anyone to see that I am gonna spend time with him after school. Afraid that he would punch me, I went to the passenger seat. We drove for a half an hour, before we stop at my hous. I opened the car door and said:

-"Just wait here,I will be right back."

But of course he didn't. he had to follow behind, had to come into my house, and meet my mother. I went to the door, find my keys and opened the door. I went to the kitchen, so I could say hallo to my mum without Alec to hear the conversation, but he followed right after.

-"hey sweetie, who is your new friend?"

I blushed by the nickname. Of course I was used to it, but that only gave Alec a new reason to bully me. I looked at him, and I could see that he smirked. Im dead.

-"Ehhh, h-h-he's Alec, ehh we are partners on a project. Ehh is it ok-okay if I stay at his house this weekend?"

Wow, that was smooth. Anyway, my mum said yes, and Alec joined me up to my room. I thought that would been better than him talking to my mum, but I guess I was wrong. I totally forgot how childish my room looks like. My deepest secret is that I'm a little, and it's sucks. You know, falling into littlespace when I don't want to. Lucky for me, I had hide everything before school, so my mum wouldn't find it. But still it looks like a five year old girl could live here.

-"Cute room sweetie." Alec smirked and looked at me. My cheeks heats up and I looked down at the ground, and hoped for him to not notice. I started to pack the stuff that I knew he didn't care about, like normal clothes, toothbrush and my schoolbooks. But I had no idea if I was going to pack my little stuff. I couldn't do that, just imagine if he would found out. He would never stop bully me. But in the other side, I'm gonna stay there over the weekend, I'm probably gonna slip at least once, and its better if I have my stuff then. I packed one pacifier, one teddybear and one sippy cup, but its no way that I'm gonna let him see that. I packed it so it was hidden by all of my clothes. I didn't bring a pj, because they I have is childish.

-"I'm ready to go now." I said it quiet, afraid that he was bored because of how long time I used. He looked up from his phone, and of course he had a bored look on his face, but he didn't say anything. But he did something that surprised me. he didn't ask or anything, but he just took my bag out of my hand, so he could carry it. We went out to his car again, I put my seatbelt on and waited for him to be ready. He started the car and asked:

-"Ready to have some fun, princess?"

The bad boys princessWhere stories live. Discover now