A jurisdiction issue

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It was a usual morning Kate was teasing Tony and McGee was watching from far away. Gibbs walked into the bullpen, a coffee in hand.

"Gear up, we've got a dead Marine." He said and walked to the elevator, Kate, McGee, and Tony ran off after him, getting in the elevator just before the doors closed and sighing in relief.

Suddenly Gibbs head-slapped Tony.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Tony asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Gluing McGee's keyboard," Gibbs replied, Kate smirked and McGee frowned, confused.


"Cause of death, Duck?" Gibbs asked Ducky as he looked at the lying body in autopsy.

"Multiple gunshot wounds." Was Ducky's reply. "This young man most likely fought back his killer but obviously failed."

"Time of death?"

"Well, that's why it's called 'Preliminary findings', Jethro. I was mistaken when I said that Petty Officer Michaels died immediately. See how the wounds are placed at non-immediately-fatal spots?" Ducky asked, pointing to the few stabs wound on the Petty Officer's chest. "Our Petty Officer saw the end coming, his death was most likely very painful."

Gibbs nodded. "So our killer was either a pro who wanted to make Michaels suffer..."

"Like a serial-cold-blooded-killer." Palmer interrupted, a smile on his face as he looked up. His smile quickly faded when he saw the looks Ducky and Gibbs were giving him. "...Inappropriate?"

Gibbs and Ducky chose to ignore him and Ducky went on:

"Yes, the killer is either a pro whose purpose was to make Petty Officer Micheals suffer or he was inexperienced. Which one is your place to find out, Jethro."

"Anything else, Duck?"

"Ah, as a matter of fact, yes. I found some sort of sharp material inside of our Petty Officer's stomach and it's already on its way to Abigail's lab." Ducky finished and Jethro walked out.

"Now, Mister Palmer, you really need to find a way to control your....impulses."

"I-yes, Doctor Mallard."


An hour later Gibbs stormed into the bullpen a cup of coffee in hand.

"What do we got?" He asked. Kate, McGee, and Tony all stood up and stopped in front of the plasma screen.

"Well, we found out that our Petty Officer has two places of living in the DC area." Tony started.

"He moved in from New York less than two years ago. And was only a few months away from an honorary discharge." Kate completed.

"He had no wife, no girlfriend, no kids, and no family." McGee finished.

"Did you inspected the second house?" Gibbs asked. The three agents shook their heads. "Then What are you waiting for?" He asked, furiously. "Kate, DiNozzo, with me. McGee find me everything on Micheals."

"Let's go! Now!"

Kate and Tony both grabbed their gears and hurried behind Gibbs into the elevator.


Soon the three Special Agents arrived at the Petty Officer's second house and were surprised to see the door slightly opened. Gibbs looked at his two agents and the three took their guns out.

"DiNozzo, Get the backdoor," Gibbs ordered. Tony nodded and hurried toward the backdoor.

Gibbs mentioned for Kate open the door and walked in first, gun raised.

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