Trust{Kill Ari part 1}

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Previously in NCIS:

''Are you flirting with me, Tony?''


''Ziva, assure your Deputy Director that, even thought Ari Haswari is a suspect, no action will be taken unless we have proof.''

''Are they always like that?''

"Don't call me that!''

''I'm sorry, Kate.''


While Gibbs and Jenny were back at it upstairs, Abby was trying to determine which rifle Ari used. All that, of course, under McGee's 'supervision'.

The probationary agent was deep in thoughts, remembering his lost friend, Kate Todd.

And Abby couldn't blame him, she found her mind wonder back to Kate as she worked on the rifles. Memories floating back and 'what could have beens' forming.



The elevator's doors closed behind Tony and Gibbs, both waiting for it to start moving before Gibbs got closer to Tony.

''I want you on Ziva's ass.'' Gibbs ordered Tony in a whisper.

Tony sighed. ''She's not really my type, Boss.'' He replied, earning himself a head-slap from Gibbs.

''To tail her.'' Gibbs said, glaring at Tony.

''I knew that.'' Tony informed his eyes not leaving the elevator doors

''She's been in contact with Ari.It's the only way she could know I hung up on him'' Gibbs explained.

''Oh, I don't want yo to get pissed...'' Tony trailed off.

''I thought you wanted me pissed.'' Gibbs pointed out.

''I did.'' Tony agreed. ''It was kinda weird when you were being nice.'' His eyes widened when he realised what he implied. ''Not that you are not nice. I mean th...''

''Will you spit it out, DiNozzo?'' Gibbs asked angrily, stopping at the now opened elevator doors.

''What if Ziva's right and Ari knew you traced the call? Maybe he wasn't the sniper.'' Tony suggested.

Gibbs sighed. ''She is right. Ari wanted me to raid the warehouse. He set me up. And it cost Kate her life.'' 

Tony followed him, leaning against the doors. ''Is he a mole or a terrorist?''

''Whatever works to play his game.'' Gibbs said.

Tony's eyes narrowed. ''If Ziva leads me to Ari?''

''Shadow her and call me.'' Gibbs ordered, stating the obvious.

''So you can bring him in?'' Tony inquired.

''Yea, so I can bring him in...'' Gibbs trailed off as the doors closed in front of Tony. '' autopsy.'' He finished to himself before stepping into Abby's lab.

In there he learned that Ari either used a Tango 51 rifle or a Bravo 51 to shot Kate. 

He ordered McGee to check the sales of Bravo and Tango and to check the Bravo first. All the time knowing full well that a sniper calls a Bravo 51 'a Kate'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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