Extra #10: Choice #5.0 Results

372 23 14

Choice A

You hug him, placing your chin on his shoulder obstructed by the chains. He responds by inching closer, keeping his hands against your torso, incapable of hugging you back -- handcuffs restricting the majority of his movements.

"I'm sorry," you speak up, flaring your nose and breaking into a frown. "It's been hard to believe this is happening -- that you're still here, even with everything that's been going on lately."

The monster's silent, the only hint at him listening being how his hands tense over your body, still keeping themselves close to you despite the hug reaching its end. Distant chatter can be heard from your hiding spot, though nobody can be seen walking around, the judge's orders obeyed to their fullest.

"I've tried to convince myself that things will turn out fine -- that all this will end soon, but. . . But what am I supposed to do now? You- You're being taken away, and even if you come back you'll probably still have limitations. No matter how much I think about it, I still doubt myself."

"Would ya do the same, then?" Sans asks, letting you go. "Take the easier route even if it's not the one you want?"

"Of course I wouldn't," you reply, huffing. "That's why I left my old job in the first place."

"Then there ya have it. The reason why I'm even tryin's 'cuz I have somethin' to look forward to -- a lotta things, actually." He lifts his hands closer to your eye level, both turning to fists when you pay attention to them. "There's Tori's school, my bro, kickin' the mayor's ass, Faust, and a damn good-lookin' future (wife/husband) waitin' for me to get back." One hand is entirely open by the time he finishes speaking, the other one still a fist -- waiting for him to list more. "And those are just the ones I can name off the top of my he-"

His words are cut off, seemingly at the same time you wipe a tear off your cheek.

"Made ya cry again, huh?"

You laugh at his words and nudge him, poking your tongue out when he recovers from the shove. "That's just 'cuz you're being cheeky," you remark, smiling. "'Future (wife/husband)'? Really?"

"There's nothin' wrong with dreamin'."

Choice B

You kiss him, soul sensing his own when your bodies are close enough to brush against each other. His hands don't move much -- these kept restricted by the chains tight around his wrists, though you can still feel when he reciprocates your actions, his soul's presence growing stronger.

The two of you break up, the aftermath of the kiss remaining in the shape of a strong, racing pulse shared between your soul and his. "You don't need to," you speak up, smiling. "I know I've been losing a lot of confidence lately, but I want to believe you -- I want to have hope."

"That's what I've been tryna do, too." Sans lets out a sigh, closing his eye sockets and opening them seconds later. "Knowin' we're living together kinda helps with that mindset. Never would've thought I'd be datin' someone like you, and even less I'd get this far."

"Am I that bad of a (girl/boy)friend?" you ask, covering a laugh -- feigning offense.

"Not bad, but ya sure got some low standards, pal. Dunno what made ya like me in the first place, but I'm glad ya did."

You shake your head lightly, giving into a full smile. A livelier look can be seen on his face, more noticeable when you kiss him a second time, hands holding his shoulders and keeping his body in place.

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