Chapter 6

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The clock was ticking, literally. The sound of the hand was loud, it was the only thing you could notice. That and Hoseok's aggressive scribbling. You didn't think he was actually writing notes, but every time the professor called him out for looking distracted, i.e staring at you, he would always answer correctly. He was for sure not a bookworm like his clothes would lead people to believe, but he was incredibly smart and quick. He's either a hero, or a villain. And with some unforeseen courage, you were determined to find out who exactly is Hoseok today.

The clock arms moved to the right position, and you stood up quickly from your seek. Hoseok glanced over curiously. "Something exciting today?" he chuckled.

Something like that. "Oppa ordered some exotic flowers, I wanna go see them now."

Internally, Hoseok rolled his eyes. He found it agonizing and infuriating that you would call anyone 'oppa'. He found it annoying that you cared about other people aside from him in general. Soon, though he hasn't decided how soon, he would be all that you think about. He leaned back in his chair and watched you rush out of the classroom.

Outside, you put one of Seokjin's hoodies on, and waited for Hoseok to emerge from the doors. When he did, and set his eyes in your general directions, you flopped down to the ground. It could have been just a coincidence, you thought, there was no way he could possibly know you were there. He set off to the street, walking purposefully off-campus and to a neighborhood. It was easy to hide with the abundance of corners and stores. The quietness of the store was unsettling though, it was as if no one existed in this part of town and it was just the two of you.

Hoseok walked surprisingly fast, it could be due to his long legs. It was hard to catch up to him a few times. But then in those moments, he would pause. You thought he was purposefully waiting for you, but then he would look, like a confused duck. It fitted his character, at least the version of him that you see.

You hadn't realized how long it had been. It felt so natural to follow Hoseok, as if he was a light that you needed to reach. He stood tall as he walked, confident and self-assured, things you could never be. Maybe that was the driving force behind this endeavor. You wanted to find something magical that could possibly help you, wishful thinking. Looking around, you saw that the neighborhood was far behind you and you were approaching a part of the city that was mostly construction and factories. Even the clouds have faded into the prussian sky. Seokjin must be so worried right now and you could already hear him nagging you. You stopped, debating whether you should keep going or not.

"This is dumb, what am I doing?" you asked yourself. It was then that you decided to turn around. But it was also then that you realized you had no idea how to get back. Looking back ahead, Hoseok had disappeared. It seemed that he had walked in a maze and you were trapped in the middle of it. All you saw were concrete buildings and dirt roads. You rummage through your bag to find that your phone had no signal, you were completely lost. Your palms became sweaty. Despite the mask you put on in front of other people, including Seokjin, you weren't fearless. Your legs were trembling.

Pebbles cracked under some weight, and someone suddenly appeared behind you. Your heart calmed a little bit, but there was still residual fear. "Don't move," he spoke.

"You knew I was following you."

"Of course I did." Hoseok scoffed. His voice was dangerously low and smooth. "Next time if you're going to follow someone, don't wear a pink hoodie."

You cursed at yourself and Seokjin, who only had bright color clothing. At least he has influences Namjoon's monotone clothing. "Hoseok, where are we?"

Hoseok looked around, taking in a breath of fresh air, and looking fondly at each building. "My home." he answered. As ridiculous as it was, you felt that it was true. It could only mean a few things, none of which were choices you would like to consider. And none of those choices would make him the kind of person you should associate with.

"Hoseok, do you have a superpower?"

He blinked, out of all the things you could have said, he was not expecting that. It made him laugh, tears filling his eyes. "You really are stupid." he said.

"You could have just said no," you rebutted.

"Sorry." He wiped the tears away and fix his composure. "But you're not completely wrong, I guess I some power." Against his command, you turned around, and almost gasped. He was a lot closer than you thought. His clothes were the same, his hair was the same, he was still a human, but his facial expression and features were ones you've never seen before. Cold and cruel. If you thought he wasn't capable of bad things before, you were gravely mistaken. His eyes pierced right at you. "I told you not to turn around."

"What are you going to do me?" you asked quietly, taking a step back. He stood still and cocked his head to the side.

"I want you to remember."

Your eyebrows furrowed, "Remember what?"

"Something very important."

"Then why don't you just tell me?" you argued.

He shrugged, "Then it wouldn't be any fun, would it. And you should know I like my games." He took a deliberate step forward, the smell of citrus hitting your nose. You froze as his hand reached out to twirl the ends of your hair. "I didn't want to do this today. But you were stupid enough to bring yourself to me. And now I'll never let you go."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm taking you away." he declared. Then you heard more bodies running up from behind you. Before you could defend yourself, someone held a rag to your mouth and you fell. Hoseok's smile was the last thing you saw, cold and cruel. 

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