Chapter 23

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Mickey was loving the spacious garden. He ran with all his might from one end to the other to chase wild squirrels. You watched in content while finishing Pachinko and sipping on a warm cup of tea. This was never the life you had imagined, but for the first time in forever, you felt that a family was within reach. Hoseok had his flaws and so did you, but as long as you're together, the flaws would never be obstacles.

As crazy as it is, you were quite used to his mafia side. The boys would come over more often to discuss missions and he would always ask for your input. Rather than stopping him, you focused more on being effective and safe. Hoseok was happy and proud to hear your contributions as you sat on his lap. Some nights he would leave to go on such missions, and you would always find him sprawled out on the couch in your room, a few bruises here and there. Although you told him you were fine with him sleeping in the same bed, he denied that privilege, saying he most likely wouldn't be able to control himself. You didn't ask what that meant, you didn't need to. And without waking him up, you would put ointment on the purple patches and drape a blanket over him. It was a routine, you didn't mind, as long as he returns home in one piece.

He was meeting with a client right now, and you were preparing to walk Mickey in the town nearby. Jimin and Jungkook were with you, not too far where they would cause a scene but close enough to where no danger could possibly go your way. You hated it, the feeling that you were a burden to them.

"Don't think that way," Jimin said from behind. He took the liberty to close the distance a bit when he saw that you weren't smiling. "We're here because we want to protect you."

"You barely even know me," you muttered. "I don't know if I deserve your protection."

"You make Hoseokie hyung happy," Jungkook added. "And you brought him back to us. That's enough."

"Brought him back to you?"

"He's different from before, before you." Jimin explained. "The five of us would die for each other, there's no doubt about that. Hoseok hyung had never used his leader title against us. But at some point, he took everything onto himself. Before you came along, hyung would much rather be alone than to have people over. I know it's strange since he enjoys lively atmosphere. And when he did, it was always with people he didn't care about because he didn't those who knew him to see him in that state. We were never allowed to go inside his house, it felt like he was hiding something, maybe himself."

Jungkook groaned. "We all cared about him but he retreated himself into a hole he dug up because he thought he wasn't deserving of love."

"So that's why I'm so glad you're here." Jimin continued. "He has so much life and laughter inside of him now. Slowly but surely, you're making him into a better version of himself. Hoseok had always been kind, and he felt like the world deserves that now. You showed him that."

"And also thanks to you, the missions and deals are becoming less life-threatening," Jungkook chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind swinging punches but I always worry about my hyungs, I never want any of them to get hurt."

"That's true, and I think we're starting to direct our influence for a greater good." Jimin nodded.

"I'm so glad to hear that, but I think he would have come to that revelation himself. He's already so amazing." And now that you know he won't do anything reckless anymore, you felt much more at ease. That was until Mickey started barking at the air as his body shook uncontrollably. "Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" you asked. Jungkook and Jimin immediately stood on either side of you as they scanned the perimeter with precision. Their eyes were sharp. Then at once, they pulled out guns that you hadn't realized were on them.

"There's someone here." Jungkook whispered. You stood still, trying to make yourself feel small.

"How could that be?" you wondered out loud while scooping Mickey up in your arms. "No one should be able to get through our security system without the alarm going off."

"I don't know. We've never encountered this before, they must have hacked out system remotely." Jimin stated. "At any rate, let's go back to the house and call for backup."

That was easier said than done. Before the three of you could take a step back towards the manor, a group of men in black suits manifested from thin air, like ghosts or demons. Unlike the people you have met in Hoseok's group, these men were lifeless, nothing striking about the way they looked. It was as if they were animated statues obeying a command. But they moved quick, throwing punches and kicks towards you and the boys. Jungkook took the lead in combat while Jimin did his best to shield you.

"You need to get her out of here." he commanded at his hyung. You thought Jimin would argue back but instead, he grabbed your hand and ran.

"He can take care of himself," Jimin said. Despite his confidence, he was still worried about the maknae. But he shook it off, his priority was taking you back to safety. The manor was in sight but more rustling came from the trees nearby and more men were conjured up. Jimin clenched his jaws. "Stay close to me." he whispered. You obeyed as men lunged at him with great force. He dodged the attacks gracefully like a dancer, all while keeping you in sight.
Though Jimin was a skilled fighter, there was only so much he could pay attention to at once. He was beginning to slip, he can feel it. One of the men took advantage of his disarray and pulled something out, aiming it at Jimin's head. You were not about to stand there and let someone get hurt because of you. Instead, you ran, tackling him to the ground. Your hope fell when he got back up the ground and the gun was pointed at you instead.

"You can't kill her, we have to take her back alive." another man yelled.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure she's alive." the man grinned. Then he pulled the trigger, you body jumped. Your legs went numb at first, then your arms, and you fell to the ground. Sedative, you thought.

"Lady Y/N!" Jimin yelled. In the split second of his distraction, his attacker took the opportunity to knock him out completely. You wanted to scream, but nothing would come out. Instead, you silently cried as the man swung your body over his shoulder like a sack. 

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