Chapter 24

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Taehyung and Yoongi, for the first time in their lives, were terrified of the Hoseok in front of them. They have seen him outraged, violent, and murderous dozens of times before. And those were the emotions they were expecting him to exude the second he heard that Jimin and Jungkook were knocked out and you had been taken. Instead, when they got to the manor, they found him in complete silent while holding on to the purple horse. Mickey slept soundly by his feet.

"Hyung," Taehyung said cautiously.

Hoseok snapped out of his trance. The other boys were taken aback by his state. Hoseok's eyes were lifeless, with sparks of electricity flashing every now and then. "What are the updates?"

"We've monitored all the cameras in the area at the time she was taken," Yoongi began. "The lead came to a dead-end, they must have hacked the camera systems as well."

"But we found something else too." Taehyung added as he handed Hoseok a photo from the camera. The photo displayed a grainy image of the man driving what looked to have been the vehicle that took you. Focusing his eyes, Hoseok saw a tattoo on the man's neck, of a lotus flower. Hoseok's eyes widened and he crushed the paper, tossing it harshly on the floor. They took her, he thought, he should have known better, he shouldn't have let his guard down.

"Stop the search," he ordered. "I know exactly where she is." He stormed to his car, not even waiting for the other two to catch up.

"He's gonna kill them, isn't he?" Taehyung asked as the car screeched away.

"Of course," Yoongi answered. "He's preparing for the massacre. They touched his lover after all."

The younger one exhaled, "The things we do for love. I would do the same for you, hyung."

Yoongi coughed, then looked away to hide his blushing cheeks, "Yeah, whatever, as if I would get taken." he replied. But in his heart, he was hoping it would happen.


As you laid half unconscious, you thought about how strange it was that mafia bosses would let their captives sleep on a bed. At first, you thought it was just Hoseok because he loves you, but as you start to feel the fuzzy blanket, you realized that it could be something they all have in common.

The first thing you realized was that you couldn't move your legs, as if they were completely paralyzed. That was when the fear struck, you were literally trapped. Lifting your eyes open, you found that the sun had hidden itself somewhere far and safe from this prison. Unlike Hoseok's manor, the windows had metal barricades, there were no colorful paintings on the walls, the curtains were black. This is what it feels like to be completely hopeless. Your first thought was of the safety of Jungkook and Jimin, surely, if they were taken, they would not be enjoying the luxury of staying in a room with a bed.

The next thought was the most consuming, Hoseok. He must be worried sick, maybe even going crazy. Or maybe he was getting tired of it, always saving the day. You thought back to your own inadequacy. If only you were better, if only you could actually help him instead of just being a burden, then this wouldn't happen.

The footsteps outside grew louder, in the direction towards where you were. Scanning the room, you grabbed the closest weapon you could find, a pen. You hid it under your back and closed your eyes, trying your hardest pretend to sleep without whimpering as the footstep approached your bedside. You heard heavy breathing coming from a man.

"Make sure no one interrupt me," he commanded, then the door closed. The side of the bed sunk in as the man climbed on it. Soon, you felt his legs on either side of your body. He was grinning, his excitement rising. While you wanted to cry, you had to keep it all inside. The pen was ready in your hand. "I can see why he likes you so much, you're such a pretty little thing." he whispered as he grazed your cheek with his thumb. His skin was rough, making your skin crawl. He started unbuttoning your blouse and leaned closer. That was when you opened your eyes and attempted to stab the pen into his neck. A failed attempt.

His hand instantly went to block your attack, knocking the pen out of your hand. "Feisty, I like that." he purred. He pinned your wrists over your head as he leaned closer to your neck. You couldn't give up, not now. With that in mind, you did the only thing you could do now, biting his ear. His scream filled the air. When he pulled back, his ear was dripping blood. "You fucken bitch," he yelled. His hand raised and came down hard on your cheek. "I didn't want to have to do this but," He pulled a syringe out of his pocket and stabbed it in your arm. While the drugs took affect, you wondered if what happened to your mother would happen to you.

Muffled screams and gunshot could be heard from outside the door. Then it burst open. The man went flying as a figure stood over him. "How did you get here?" The man looked at the door to find his men covered in their own blood. No one answered him, except a bullet to his head.


This time, when you opened your eyes again, your body relaxed. It wasn't your room, but the curtains were green. And the purple horse was back on the bedside table. Under the soft moonlight, you saw the outline of his figure at the end of the bed. He stared down at something in his hands. Your legs were moving again, and they rustled the bedsheet, causing him to look over. You had half expected him to run over to you, and pulled you to his chest. Instead, he sat still, maybe he was truly tired of you.

"I'm sending you back to Seokjin and your family." he said.


"You're leaving in the morning." Then he got up and headed for the door. In the spur of the moment and with your heart pounding, you scrambled off the bed to grab the hem of his shirt. Since your legs were still weak, you fell down instantly, taking him with you. His arms went around you, holding your body closer to his. At this distance, you could see the tears building in his eyes.

"Why do you want me to leave?" you asked. "Are you finally tired of me?"

He scoffed. "Why would you ever ask something like that? I can never get enough of you."

"Then why do you want me to leave?"

"Because I'm useless," he remarked. "I can't even protect the person I love. I'm so sorry that you got hurt because of me. I'm not worthy enough to stay by your side."

You caressed his cheek and pulled yourself up to kiss his lips tenderly. His shoulders jumped. He was hesitant at first, but then leaned in with restraints. He would smile in between the kiss, it was his dream, to hold you like this in his arms. "I'm not leaving you. You were the one that saved me, right? And I know you will search the ends of the Earth for me, you're the only one I want. You can't escape me."

"Mi amor, he sighed.

"Are you not going to give me that ring?" you asked, feeling the box in his pocket.

He gasped but then smiled shyly. "One day I will, when I know for sure I can give you the world." You nodded, knowing that the promise was real and you were eager for the day. 

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