13. Catching up

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This chapter is a bit more calm as Crowley and Aziraphale explore the area and the trio chat about a lot of stuff.


The next day went calmly for both parties. Samantha had a nice and regular day at the café. Sometimes people she knew came by to chat with her about her vacation and she was happy to reply. For a normal Thursday it was actually quite the busy one, but Samantha didn't mind. This meant they day passes swiftly because she didn't have to wait and stand around waiting for costumers. After the shift she helped Mr Barten with cleaning up and closing and then went to her neighbours place to babysit on the kids. This went as usual as well. The children played till half past 9, then she made them ready for bed. They knew her by now and knew if they behaved she would behave as well, but if the children behaved like little demons, they would get hell themselves. So they behaved because they wanted to have a fun time. On their bedtime she told them the usual bedtime story, though this story might have been an adventurous story about a demon and an angel in a great peril, fighting it off while hiding their love from the world.

Said demon and angel had a very lovely day as well. They actually only left their picnic spot when the sun had already started to rise and the stars went away. They went to walk back to their vacation house and decided to go to Portland directly after, taking Crowley's car of course. The 1 hour drive took them about 20 minutes because the road had been completely empty and Crowley had just planked it, causing Aziraphale to nearly break his nails on the dashboard on the car, especially in corners.

Once in Portland they proceeded to check out the town first. Taking a long walk through the town and checking out the little shops with souvenirs. Aziraphale actually proceeded to buy a sweet plate with the map of Portland on it for Madam Tracy. They didn't have contact all that often but they shared a mutual understanding of each other after Aziraphale had possessed her for nearly a day.

It was actually market that day and Aziraphale dragged Crowley around over all the market stalls. Crowley wasn't all that interested in the whole market, but he did like sauntering around and enjoyed the fact that there was so much overpriced stuff that was offered.

After they had done a boat trip and dined in a very good restaurant, they proceeded to spend the night in a few different bars, at some point even attending, very drunk, karaoke. When the bars closed they spend the rest of the night and the morning on a bench in the port of Portland, watching the ships. They walked around a bit until the afternoon and then proceeded to head back to Charmouth, parking over against the café where Samantha was working.

Samantha was just busy cleaning some tables when she saw the Bentley drive up and park in the parking lot. She smiled and waved as the two came out and then went on working, knowing the two would be at the café soon enough.

Crowley and Aziraphale walked up to the café and took place outside under the veranda.

Samantha walked up to them. "Hey guys. I hope you had a nice day yesterday?" she asked while refreshing the flowers on the table for new ones.
Aziraphale nodded. "Oh yes it was wonderful and we'd like to tell you all about it if you have the time."
Samantha smiled soft. "Let me first refresh all these flowers and then I'll ask my boss if I can sit with you for a bit. It's been a slow day thanks to the moody weather. Do you want anything to drink?"
"Oh yes please." said Aziraphale with a smile. "One of your lovely hot choc's would be lovely."
"And for me another of those coffee's.", added Crowley.

"Coming right up.", said Samantha and she went on changing the flowers. Then she went inside and looked at Mr Barten. "My friends Aziraphale and Crowley have arrived. Is it okay if I go and sit with them on the terrace? I will attend costumers if they come but the whole café is empty right now."

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