23. The shifting

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Last chapter! T.T I feel genuinely empty having finished this. But also quite happy to have finally started AND finished a story. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
I also want to thank you guys for reading all the way to the end. It means a lot to me people actually like to read what I wrote. It means I didn't do it for nothing.
Now, without further ado, enjoy the final part!


A midweek had passed since their little adventure. Today Samantha found herself sitting in one of the many parks of London. It had been a while since she had simply sat down to observe people in the parks. She had her sketchbook on her lap and a pencil in her hand, hoping to find some new interesting thing to sketch.

It was a fairly lovely day. Every now and again the sun peaked from between the clouds, casting the park in a warm golden light. She enjoyed the bursts of warmth and looked around in the park. It wasn't a particularly special day. Dogs and children were playing in the grass, people were taking walks or practicing sports on their daily routine. Everything was calm and peaceful.

And then she saw him. His bright powerful aura stood out like a purple flower in a sea of white ones. Swiftly she sat up as she watched him run along a path away from her. He seemed not to have seen her.

As he ran his winged aura bobbed up and down on the rhythm of his steps.

Quickly she stuffed away her drawing gear and ran after him, miracling herself into a running outfit like the one he was wearing himself.
"Gabriel!" she called out to him as she was close enough. "Wait up please, if you will."
Slightly startled Gabriel slowed down and allowed Samantha to catch up with him. "If it isn't the hybrid. What a pleasant surprise." he said with a steel, yet kind smile.
Samantha sighed and rolled her eyes. "I got a name you know. And I know you know it too. I don't call you selfish holy prick as well, do I?"
He hummed, then nodded. "Well that sounds fair enough. What did you want to talk to me about, Samantha?"

Meanwhile he jogged on. Samantha followed him swiftly, being close behind. She didn't mind the run. It was a welcome change for once.

"I wanted to talk to you because of a few things. For once, I have no clue what heaven has been up to. I was just wondering how things are going up there since what happened. Second of I want to make something clear. I hope you will understand me and work with me instead of that stubborn Beelzebub. But firstly I want to know what you are doing here on earth running. Do they know you are here from upstairs?" asked Samantha seriously and curiously.

Gabriel let out a kind hum. "Those are quite a few questions indeed. I will answer them, tough. I will see this as a work meeting, then."
"Well if you wish to do so. Tough I don't think that is the reason why you went running here." noted Samantha.

"No indeed it isn't.", admitted Gabriel. "I was actually running here to try and get away from the pressure and the light chaos that is heaven right now. Yet it seems like it is following me everywhere."

"Well you didn't have to go running here, in London. After all you know this is the place where I and my friends hang around most. Tough I suspect I might know a few reasons as to why you do run specifically here in London." said Samantha.

Gabriel glanced at her with slight wonder in his eyes now. "You do? Well enlighten me then."
"My first suspicion." she started. "Is that of all places of this world you have come to feel most at ease in this place. Mainly because this is where you most often visited when you checked up on Aziraphale. You have come to like London and find you fit in the best in this area. My second suspicion is you secretly were hoping to pass me. For you are so lost after what happened you thought perhaps I could be of any assistance of you, perhaps in giving you some advice, or just as someone to listen to who isn't bound to heaven or hell, but is still in on it all.", she concluded.

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