17. A smelly business

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Warning! I must admit this part was even a bit out of my comfort zone. An experiment to myself to write. Don't think I'll be doing that again. This part is... Well dirty, literally. There is Smut, once again. But not of our favourite boys this time. As usual I'll put up a note when it starts and ends, so you can skip it if you like.


It was now a few days later. The routine had been simple. Samantha went around her usual daily life, and at night times she sneaked out to train with the duo. She had made great progress so far, even though it consisted mostly out of improving her performance of her minor miracles. Crowley and Aziraphale took turns in showing them their ways of dealing with a situation and Samantha watched it. She asked questions and eventually tried it out for herself, making her own solutions based on the situations. They realised quickly she hadn't changed a bit. She was nor angel nor demon, but a little bit in between. It gave for a unique combo. She could be quite sly at times, yet was also helpful and kind. It was the perfect balance.

The duo had decided to stay in Charmouth until she had gotten the basics straight and she was confident enough to stay on her own in her town. Then they would go back to London to go into their daily lives. They were for that reason also learning her how to make themselves disappear and appear somewhere else, starting with small distances but hoping to make it stretch so she could at least pop over to them in London regularly for questions and to learn from them. For now however, it was far from perfect. Often she appeared meters from her spot, ending up on a table, in the sea, on roofs etc. Crowley thought it was endlessly amusing, and on some occasions, even Aziraphale chuckled.

She thought about that while finishing up her daily work at the café. Today was the day. Today she would be appearing on the right spot. She had to so they could move on to greater distances. Once she mastered that, she would be able to freely pop back and forth between London and home. It would be better for both her and the two gentleman. A small town draws suspicion quickly and they had already noticed the quirkiness of the duo. It wouldn't be long before rumours would start to spread. London was saver for them.

She thought about this while tying a knot into the bad of trash inside of the trashcan. Then she lifted it out and went with it through the backdoor of the café, tossing the bad into the big steel container standing against the back. She sighed and stretched, then started to walk away back to the door, but as she laid her hand on the handle, she heard a noise behind her coming from the container. Swiftly she turned around, but it was still too slow. All she saw was a small, dark dressed figure leap out of the trashcan, eyes glowing a bright red, before she was hit in the head with a heavy object and passed out.

When she awoke she was laying on the ground. Trying to stir she noticed her hands bound and squeaked in despair. She tried to get up a bit, looking around, turning her aching head to see where she was. The scenery was dark and dirty, like a messy cellar with leaky pipes and trash on the ground. It was filthy. She groaned and struggled against her binds, frustrated.
Then that same small figure came into view that had attacked her. It was Beelzebub who was now leaning over her. He grabbed her shoulder and pushed her up right, shoving her against a cabinet.

"Szzo. We meet again. It szzeemszz like we have terribly undereszztimated you." he buzzed annoyed.

Samantha struggled and smirked at him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing? Haven't you heard god? Don't you realise how wrong your vision is?"
Beelzebub lifted his chin. "Szzeems like you have a lot to learn about demonszz. We were created becauszze we rebelled againszzt god. This meanszz we don't need to follow any of what the divine orderszz. We follow Lucifer for a good reaszzon. Because we were sick of the gameszz that were played. We have never obeyed the divine since our fall and we won't szztart now."

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