16. The beginning of the future

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Smut warning again! This time in the dead middle of the story, so I'll just put down a note where it starts and ends.
Seems like it is time for Samantha to get used to her new powers. Let's see how she'll handle it and if the boys are able to teach her something.


When Samantha woke up the next morning to the sound of her alarm, her first reaction was to go straight out and downstairs to get breakfast, but then she frowned. Why should she go down and do that? She didn't need food to survive anymore. She grinned about it and glanced at her alarm, then set it to about 15 minutes later and she snuggled back into the blankets. Not because she was feeling tired, but because she just liked laying in her bed. She thought about yesterday again. Everything about it felt a little more comfortable after a nights rest and she figured Aziraphale was right. They would figure it out together. And there was no point stressing over the future, it would ruin her present day. She wasn't worried before about growing old and dying, so why should she be worried about this? It was simply another direction to view the world in. She figured she'd probably just tweak her appearance to look older to the people she knew and to slowly take her distance somehow. Perhaps she'd move to London to be closer to the boys. Anyway that was all in the far future and it was no use breaking her head about it yet. Those plans could change in a day anyhow.

By now her alarm sounded again and she decided to get up.

She made herself ready, then stretched and went downstairs. He mother was making herself breakfast now and she looked up at Samantha.
"Good morning dear. You had already gone to bed when I came home. Did you have a good day?" her mother asked.
Samantha smiled. "Oh yes very good. We have seen some very nifty ruins, explored Salisbury, seen the cathedral, and the monument. We ended up eating something in Salisbury too. I certainly learned a lot. It was very informative and a nice day."

"I am so glad to hear. You are down late. Do you still need breakfast?" asked her mother.

Samantha shrugged and shook her head. "I don't feel like breakfast this morning. I'll just take something at the café I guess."

Her mother nodded and went at the couch to watch her usual morning program. "That is all right dear."

Samantha went to walk at the door. "All right, I'll be off then. Do you work late today?"

Her mother nodded. "Yes so you'll have to cook dinner for us."
"Got it. See ya tonight!" said Samantha as she walked out and waved at her mother. She then walked her usual scroll to the café, enjoying the morning fog that had just begun to settle on the fields. The took in a deep breath and realised this was probably the first breath she had taken besides from the ones needed to talk. She had to shiver despite herself. It all felt a bit weird to her. Her body was her own, yet it wasn't. She felt somehow like she had surpassed her body and like it was just a vessel to roam this world in. She wondered about it until she snapped out of it, because she arrived at the café and had to get to work.

Her day was as usual, though the café was only open in morning and evening hours that day, due to it being Monday. It opened for early costumers coming from the vacation locations from 8 to 10, then opened again from 1 to 5. She didn't mind this. She had taken her drawing stuff with her as usual and spend the time from 10 to 1 roaming the little town, making chats and sketching along.

At the end of the day she felt different too. She knew she had worked all day and had been up and running since the early morning, but she felt like she had just come out of bed and was ready to start the day. She was actually a bit uneasy about it, but she figured she still had to get used to it.

A little slice of heaven and hellOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora