15. Faith

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When she opened her eyes she couldn't see a thing. She was blinded by a bright white glow and it took her a bit to get used to it. Slowly she realised she was looking out on a gate. It was giant and white, with a golden frame. She looked around, but could see nothing else then a void, a white room that was ever stretching outward at all sides. She looked up at the gate again and swallowed.

"I-I am dead..." she whispered.

She thought about what had happened at Stonehenge and bit her lip. "Well that was stupid." she murmured. "Oh, I am so sorry... My family, my friends." she sighed now. "I hope this wasn't for nothing. I hope they'll manage to heal humanity and guide it... Yet it seems like my role is done."

She looked back up at the gate and took a deep breath, then took a step forward to walk at the gate. She stopped dead in her tracks however as she heard a voice come echoing to her.

"It doesn't have to be my child." the voice said. The voice was indescribable. It wasn't like anything she had heard before. It was like multiple voices spoke at once, neither male nor female.

She looked around but couldn't find the source of the voice, so she just stared at a random spot. "How do you mean?" she asked.

"You are a very particular human being. You gave up your life, not even specifically to save your friends, but in an attempt to save the hope for a better future." the voice explained.

"I did... but it doesn't matter anymore, I am dead anyhow. Say can I ask a question? Am I... Am I talking to god?" she asked carefully.

"I am what many of your kin call god, if that is a good enough answer to your question." the voice answered.

"But... Then why are you talking to me? I am sure not everyone who has died gets a welcome commission like this." she said with a frown.

"You are correct." confirmed god.

"Hmm... Well it's an honour, I guess." she said. "But why? Am I that special?"

"Samantha. What you just did is a thing many of your kin claimed able to do, but none would actually do. You gave up your life without a second thought, because you had hope for the whole of humankind. You hope for a bright future. The balance and purity in you are unique."

Firstly, Samantha remembered her name. For some reason she had forgotten it. Secondly, she nodded, but let out a sigh. "I believe there is still a chance for them. But it doesn't matter anyhow. I am dead and I cannot contribute to that hope anymore."

"When you died, your friends Crowley and Aziraphale both preformed a miracle to try and save you. However, they weren't powerful enough to stand up against an energy this ancient." god explained.

"They did? Well I am very glad they tried..."

"However.", continued god. "I can give their miracles the extra push it needs to bring you back. Samantha. I have a task for you. I want you to go back to earth and follow your vision. For it is right. You will lead Aziraphale and Crowley in a quest to better the world. This is your destiny."

Samantha looked startled, not knowing what to say.

"However, do understand this will make you immortal. This means you will see your current human family pass away, as will you with your friends. You will see the world change and if you make a mistake, you'll forever live with that one. Being immortal is no dream, but it can be if used wisely. I give you the choice. Step forward through the gate and enter heaven. You'll forget all you have been through and start over clean. Or you'll step back and accept my offer, and I will send you back to earth." explained god.

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