14. Written in stone

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When her alarm sounded, Samantha woke up completely disorientated. She was tired and her head hurt. Barely able to open her eyes she glanced at the time and groaned. What was it she was getting up for today again? It was Sunday right? Walking the neighbour's dogs perhaps? She nearly punched her alarm on snooze and pulled the blanket over her head. Half sleeping she tried to think clear. As her alarm went off for a second time she finally remembered. Stonehenge! She sat up and rubbed her face, then turned off her alarm clock and went to get herself ready.

A quick shower first, then checking the weather and picking out fitting clothes. Afterward she grabbed her back and went down to get breakfast and make herself some lunch. When she came down her mother wasn't up yet. Calmly she made herself a bowl of yoghurt with fruit and cereal, then made herself some bread for the afternoon. She stashed everything in her bag and went to relax in front of the tv with her breakfast. During the making of the breakfast she remembered again her encounter of last evening and she took in a deep breath, forcing the event to the back of her mind. She searched on the tv until she had found a nice nature documentary to ease her mind.

By now her mother had come down too to make breakfast. The two wished each other a good morning and her mother asked how late she would be home, and if she would be home for breakfast. Samantha told her she didn't know yet, but if she knew the duo, especially Aziraphale, they would probably dine somewhere along the way. If this wasn't the case they could always still go out and get chips.

Samantha finished her breakfast and looked at the clock. It was about time for the duo to arrive so she cleaned up her stuff and went to the toilet. Just as she sat down on the couch in front of the tv again, she heard the screeching of tires and the loud honk of the Bentley. She grinned and got up, while her mother curiously had gone to the door to open up and meet the two.
Aziraphale muttered. "The honking was unnecessary dear."

Crowley frowned while getting out. "No it wasn't. She needs to know we are here." He now looked up at Samantha's mother walking out from the doorway. "Hello. And who might you be?"
Her mother walked up to the duo. "As you might expect I am the mother of Samantha. My name is May. I assume you must be Aziraphale and Crowley? You surely apply to Samantha's descriptions of you."
"Especially the Bentley, too." said Samantha teasingly while walking outside. "Good morning guys."
Aziraphale smiled kindly at Samantha's mother. "Yes indeed. I am Aziraphale and my lovely companion is Crowley, though Samantha has probably told you all about that." He now turned to look at Samantha. "A good morning to you too dear. I must say you look splendid on this fine morning."
Samantha let out a snort. "Then you know more than I do. I feel like crap. Don't be surprised if I fall asleep on our way."
"Oh I'll make sure you won't fall asleep." teased Crowley.

Samantha rolled her eyes and went to drop her bag on the backseat.
"Well I certainly have heard some good things about you from Samantha indeed. And also from some other people of the town. It is a quiet town so if someone interesting comes to visit word always spreads quickly, especially I they are friends with a residence." explained Samantha's mother.

"Well I certainly hope we didn't make a bad reputation." said Aziraphale and Samantha's mother shook her head with a soft laugh.

"Oh not at all."
"Yeah, and she thinks Crowley looks hot." teased Samantha.

Her mother laughed. "Samantha please. Do you have to?"
Crowley amused raised an eyebrow. "Well too bad missy, I am already taken."
Samantha's mother nodded. "I heard yes. Oh well I could try. Luckily we have enough tourists in the summer I can try my luck with."
"Yeah only luck doesn't try you often." mocked Samantha, but on a kind way.
"Oh you." her mother laughed.
Crowley snorted and placed a hand on the Bentley. "Ready to go?"
Samantha nodded.
"Ah yes I am. I am very interested to see how it looks up close. I am sure we'll have some fun." said Aziraphale excited.
"Take good care of my daughter." said Samantha's mother.
Aziraphale smiled at her. "We will miss May. I promise you to bring her back safely. You got my word."
"Thank you. And please, just call me May." Samantha's mother replied.
Samantha gave her mother a hug, then waved at her and went inside of the Bentley. "See you tonight mom. Good luck at the dentist. And I mean in both ways. 'Wink wink'." she said with a tease.
Her mother laughed and waved at them. "Thank you dear. Have fun."
Crowley and Aziraphale went in too. Aziraphale waved at the kind lady when they drove off. They drove off surprisingly calm for Crowley's doing and when Samantha was done waving she looked at Crowley.

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