21. Anniversary

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So, I made a little timeskip happen for the last few chapters. Let's see what happened in those years and what they are up to now, shall we?


Three years had passed now since that one day when Samantha had been changed. Since then she had been training under the guidance of the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale. She had learned fast and had proven quite powerful, being able to command common celestial beings with a certain authority if she wished to. Aziraphale and Crowley soon realised her ranking was above the ones of them, because if she really tried they could feel the authority radiating from her, giving them goose bumps and a numb feeling in their stomach. Yet she never used that power, at least not on her friends. After all she didn't feel like she belonged above them. If any she belonged below, for she was a human transformed into a celestial being, and a hybrid too. She wasn't pure and of the first hour, like her two friends were and she was very much aware of the fact other celestials thought of her in the same way.

In the past few years she had been thinking and preparing herself for her future bit by bit. She had created a distance between herself and the town, even though it pained her to have to do so. She had quit her jobs at the café and the vacation residences of McLain, and had started to refuse babysitting, cleaning and gardening offers. To aid her in her rouse, she kept up the illusion she had taken on a job out of town. This allowed her to leave town early and arrive back home late, giving her all the time in between to do whatever she wished. Often she spend her time exploring England. She observed the people and aided them with minor miracles, if faith allowed her to do so. On a few occasions she had already been of good use, using both her demonic wrath and angelic justice to solve conflicts or start them.

There had been an occasion where she noticed a company struggling to keep up. The building was crumbling and people were underpaid. Yet it was all the leaders of the company had left. If they would stop, they would end up on the street. One faithful night she decided to set fire to the building, for she feared if they would go on like this, the building might one day crumble on top of them. While the company grieved for their final death sentence and the loss of their building, Samantha meddled with the papers like she had learned of Crowley. She made an ancient forgotten paper pop up from the archives, a paper that held the insurance on the building for fires. It had been made 60 years ago when the business was still booming and held an amount of money enough to build a new building on the foundation of the old one and to reboot the company anew.

She had done a few other miracles like this. She found she drew great pleasure in mocking people who didn't deserve kindness for their doing by giving them enough bad luck to make them see the mistakes in their lives. Yet she also enjoyed doing minor miracles to cheer up someone's day.

In the few years that had passed they noticed heaven and hell hadn't stopped to spy. But they had shifted their view largely from Crowley and Aziraphale, to observe Samantha. Tough they didn't often cause trouble she had gotten into a few fights and attacks mainly from heaven. Sometimes and especially in the beginning they had been by Beelzebub himself, but he quickly noticed how quick her strength and knowledge had grown and she wasn't able to be captured as easy anymore. Samantha herself did still struggle from time to time with what Beelzebub had done to her, yet she kept it silent from everyone. She still felt ashamed and would close up whenever the subject came close to sexual intercourses, whenever it was in sober or drunken conversations.

She spend a lot of the time in the mansion of the demon and angel and had even chosen a room of her own. This room was large and filled with much of her artworks. When she hung around she spend her time drawing, painting, practicing, reading or striking up conversations with the two. Aziraphale had still kept his bookshop and often teleported there in the morning. He actually sold a few books now every now and again, but only the ones of the collection that originated from the old man that the angel himself didn't care enough about to keep.

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