Family Pranking Time

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After my little chat with Hestia, I decided to go pay a visit to my mother Nyx and siblings.

I appeared in my room, which for some reason had walls that were painted bright pink, with smileys dotting it. My bed had pink sheets and my floor was pink as well. There were only two beings in this house who loved pranking and I'm pretty sure which one did this.

"Eris...," I growled. The hallways rang with hysterical laughter belonging to my evil big sister, the goddess of strife, Eris.

The devil herself came walking into my room laughing hysterically. She pulled out a camera out of thin air and took a picture of me in my 'oh so colourful bedroom.'

"Eris...," I growled once again. "Why can't you prank someone else? Why me?"

She cackled with delight, "I was starting with the youngest off course."

"Alrighty then," I said. "Who's next?"

"Zoë?" Eris asked.

"Nah," I responded. "She's away with grandpa's soldiers, we'll get her some other time."

Eris thought for a bit, "Hemera?" "Yep." We smirked.

"Maybe we should ask Aether for help," Eris suggested. "He is after all the master prankster of the house."

"Indeed I am," we heard him chuckle behind us. "Name is a powerful thing sis," he said. Eris snarled at him and pulled out a dagger and slashed at his arm.

"Woah, chill!" I said. "We sorta need him."

Eris shrugged and grumbled something about cocky Primordials.

Aether summoned a bucket of black paint and handed it to us. He then called Hemera and dragged her away from her colourfully lit room. It had clouds and sun rays streaming all over the place. It was bright and cheerful, until we ruined it by making it completely black.

Eris burst laughing, "That idiot," she gasped. "Aether forgot that this is his room as well. He just played himself and his wife. Soo bright." We burst out laughing.

"Let's get Geras next," Eris said. "Yeah, he's in for a treat," I said smirking evilly at what were going to do to the god of old age's room. We were interrupted by a flash of gold, revealing Hecate.

"Sup sis," I greeted. She laughed, "I'm feeling rather bored today. Let me help you with the pranks."

Eris shrugged, "Sure, why not?" We smirked evilly and then proceeded to turn Gersas' bedroom into a child's dreamworld.

Eris stuck smiley face stickers all over the walls. Hecate then changed the colours to baby pink and blue, which takes forever to rub off because it was magic paint. We then stuck youthful pictures and pictures of babies all over the room, to the point that, that was all you could focus on. We even went to the extent to making a crib to appear in the middle. Hecate then caused the sound of baby laughter and other baby noises to play the minute the door opened and we left the room in a fit of laughter.

We were met by a smirking Aether, who had just set up his prank on Hypnos. We followed him into Hypnos' room to find a sphere of ice water suspended a few millimeters from his face. Aether then swiped his hand through the air, causing a feather to start tickling Hypnos' ear. The sleeping Primordial yelped and swatted the feather, causing the sphere to crash onto him in the process. This was followed by Eris going up and slapping Hypnos in the face with whipped cream. The now drenched Primordial of sleep and dreams panicked and fell of his bed. Knowing him, we knew he would probably go back to sleep, so we replaced his fluffy pillows with those filled with whipped cream that would explode on being compressed.

"Let me sleep," he groaned, before an invisible force threw us out of his room. This was followed by another fit of yells as he layed back down on his pillows. We burst out laughing.

"Told ya I'm the best," Aether grinned. Black mist started to form and seep out of the walls. We all groaned.

"That complain box...," Eris seethed. Hecate disappeared is flash of gold. Aether tried the same but black tendrils soon held him in place. Eris was in the same state. I was free and about to escape when a chuckle rang through the Mansion. "Don't even think about Perseus." Our mother and Hayami appeared, looking at us dissaprovingly.

"Can't you guys find something better to do?" Hayami asked, trying to hide her smile and failing at it miserably.

I was moments from snitching on Hecate, but felt a painful prick at the back of neck. "Don't you dare... you don't want me on your bad side", Hecate's voice rang in my head. "I'll get you a box of donuts and a large happy meal if you don't snitch on me," she said. That won me over. Nothing's better than getting donuts and a large Happy meal for not snitching on your sibling.

"I have some things to discuss with you Perseus," Nyx told me. "Hayami take care of these two", she said gesturing to Aether and Eris.

"Hey no fair," Aether grumbled, "Why does he get a free pass?"

"Oh no!" Nyx exclaimed. "His job is much worse than your's. I've been thinking about this for a while." Aether looked at me apologetically. If mother thinks that something is a bit intense, it's going to be worse than Tartarus. Speaking of my uncle, it's been a while since I've spoken to him. Urgh, stupid ADHD. And Erebus too. Stop!!!

"Let's go Perseus," mother said, waving her hand as everything dissolved into darkness.

When the darkness parted, I found myself zooming through the a galaxy. We soon passed and passed through what humans call the known universe, which was actually a part the Void. We soon crossed the 'known' universe and appeared in the all too familiar Throne Room of the Primordial Council in the Void.

This time was different from others through, the only members there were the original beings who were formed just after the reality of existence was created itself. I was amongst the oldest beings of the universe. In the council were, Chaos, Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus, Gaia, Ouranos and Pontus. Three from the surface, three from the void and the creator himself... or herself. I don't really know what gender Chaos as I had seen him as a her as well. I guess such beings were formed before the existence of gender existed. I nodded to all of them and took my seat under my mother's throne; which was floating like the other thrones. I realized that the thrones float because of these seven Primordial and not because of a full council.

"We have matters to discuss," Ouranos said.

"And they are about Earth,"  Pontus added, looking at me with a sad smile.

Oh great, just great. I liked the planet itself and Gaia too, but it was the beings that lived there that ticked me off.

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