I'm snitched on

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I woke up the next morning, thinking about school. I looked at the calendar hanging in my room and saw that it was the day before which school normally started. I then went to speak to Anna while she was having her breakfast which was blueberry pancakes, made by your's truly.

"When does school start for you?" I asked Anna.

She looked at me sadly. "Tomorrow, but my step father never bought me books and used to keep changing my school," she said sadly.

Anger boiled inside me at this statement.

I immediately grabbed her hand and led her to the nearest book store, which happened to be quite a popular one. We were currently buying Anna's English Literature books, which were written by some guy called Rick Riordan. How the Hades do you pronounce his last name? We were almost done with all the books Anna needed for seventh grade, when she accidentally drove the shopping cart she wanted to drive so badly into another lady there.

"Watch it child," the lady said. I looked up at the lady and gasped. I grabbed Anna's arm and steered us as far as possible and as fast as possible from the woman.

"Hey," she called, "you left your books here." I'm pretty sure I was paler than Hades right now. I put my head down and steered the shopping cart away from her along with Anna. The woman gasped, or should I say goddess.

"Perseus," she whispered. I looked up at her and grimaced. "Athena," I replied in an emotionless tone. We stared at each other for a good twenty seconds before I decided to make myself clear.

"Please don't ask any questions," I said to her. "I want to live a peaceful, normal life away from the Greek pantheon. It's the least you can do for me. I beg you don't tell anyone else about me. Thank you and goodbye."

With that, I steered Anna and the shopping cart, got the remaining books, paid for them and the two of us left.

I took her to Goode High to enroll her for the upcoming semester but fell in a little trouble with the registration. The school wanted the details of the parents or legal guardian but her parents didn't want her and I couldn't be her legal guardian. I did the logical thing. I prayed to an Olympian. In a moment, standing before me was Artemis herself.

"Lady Artemis, I wanted to enroll Anna into school but have no details of her parents who don't want her. I've claimed that I'm her older brother and am substituting our parents who have gone out on business. Can you please do something about it?" I asked.

She thought about for a few moments before answering with a nod. She held out her hand for the clipboard and I handed it to her with a slight bow. She then snapped her fingers and the mother section of the board had her name on it. I didn't want to be a creep so I didn't read any of the other details. I bowed to her and submitted the application which was immediately accepted.

"Thank you," I told her.

She nodded, "it is a noble gesture you are performing and few males would think so much ahead. It was the least I could do for you after everything. As Anna's legal mother, either of you may pray to me and I will answer," she said to the two of us.

We nodded like two little kids and I put my hand over Anna's eyes when Artemis flashed away.

We had just got out of the cab and were entering our apartment when someone patted me on the back, clearing their throat. I looked behind me and saw that it was Hermes.

I sighed and gestured for Anna to go in, "Call Artemis if you need something," I whispered to her.

I knew that gods normally never answer prayers but I hope Artemis would prove me wrong and help out a young girl.

I then looked towards Hermes. "What do you want?"I asked him steadily.

"You are requested to be present on Olympus," he said.

I frowned at him,"it's not the solstice yet, how are you meeting?" I asked.

Instead of responding, Hermes put a hand on my shoulder and flashed me away.

The minute I landed, I punched him straight in the jaw. "That's for kidnapping me," I said and punched him again, "and that's for not leaving me alone. And that's for the rest of you lot," I said, showing the Olympians my middle finger.

There were mixed expressions. Aphrodite had a dazed look, the rest were fuming and Zeus had steam coming out of his ears. All in all, I was enjoying myself.

"You dare," Zeus thundered.

"You don't deserve my respect," I replied.

"Who sold me out? Athena? Artemis?" I asked as I wouldn't be surprised if it was either of them.

"I did," Athena said proudly.

I smirked, "Of course you did," I exclaimed. "You just can't keep your nose out of other people's businesses can you?"

Her expression told me she was about to incenerate me so me being me, I went on. "Blah blah blah, I don't care what you have to say," I said with venom in my voice. "I want to live a peaceful life away from you little rats but you seem to want to always steal a slice of my life."

Athena opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off once again. "As I said, wisdom goddess, I don't care what any of you have to say," I snarled. I then turned around and started to walk towards the throne room doors.

"What about that girl?" Athena asked, "If she's your daughter, I will kill–".

She stopped mid sentence when she saw the pure black blade at her throat, drawing out some ichor. She visibly gulped because of the aura coming off the blade.

"Firstly," I said in a deadly calm voice that scared even me, "she's not my daughter. She's his," I said pointing towards Zeus.

Hera seemed to visibly fume. "AGAIN? HOW DARE YOU?" She screamed in his ear.

Zeus winced.

"Secondly,"  said raising my voice, "you lay a finger on her and I will summon the armies of Night, capital N, and have them transform this excuse of a mountain into what I like to call a flat, smelly, month old pizza slice and make you all fade." The gods gulped at that but Zeus didn't falter.

"Listen here demigod," Zeus said, as I cocked an eyebrow at the word. "You will call off the attack by our enemies and then pledge yourself as a servant to Olympus," he said confidently.

"Or?" I asked, dramatically.

"Or, I will kill that demigod child of mine that I just disowned," he said. I glanced at Artemis and saw that she was glaring and her father in hatred. At least someone had a brain and knew that it was wrong but at the same time, I knew that she wouldn't have cared if it had been a boy. It saddened me.

"First of all," I said, "it's not 'demigod', it's the Primordial of Order. Second of all, you lay a finger on her and I will torture you in the depths of my uncle, Tartarus. Thirdly, I'm no longer your puppet so find someone else to go have a chit chat with your enemies because I'm glad they're attacking you and I might also have a little chitty chitty chat chat with them about increasing their forces and leveling this mountain." I said and walked out of Olympus. I then jumped of the mountain and closed my eyes, calling Blackjack.

He swooped in and caught me a few hundred feet above the ground. We then glided towards my apartment to Anna, for her to meet my friend, talking about random things and topics that horses and humans have in common.

I was thinking of combining both my books, what do you guys think? Let me know.

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