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The co-stars head to the airport and a sleepy Taehyung doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Jungkook doesn't seem to mind though.


It had been a few days since Taehyung and Jungkook's unfortunate meeting, but the two had seen each other quite often. Wether it be crowded together in the elevator, or bumping into each other before an early morning commute. They saw each other way too often in Jungkook's opinion. It wasn't like Jungkook hated Taehyung or anything.

I mean honestly, there were many people Jungkook hated, and Taehyung wasn't one of them. He just didn't really like being around the older male. Then again, he kinda did like it, though he would never dare to admit it, not even to Yoongi.

It was this confusion that bothered him most. He couldn't wrap his head around why his blood boiled, yet his heart swelled at the very sight of hm. He couldn't, and didn't, want to figure out the endless labyrinth that was Kim Taehyung. So, like the overgrown man-baby that he was, credits to Min Yoongi, Jungkook avoided him.

Alas, a day came where the two could no longer tiptoe around each other in attempts to avoid the inevitable. They had a flight to Jeju scheduled for 3am and Jungkook was not looking forward to it. He wasn't scared of planes or anything. He's no chicken. He just didn't like the idea of being suspended in the air and having no way to escape.

Okay, so maybe he was a little scared of planes.

But that had nothing to do with him being wide awake at 1am. He just couldn't sleep, which really wasn't anything new.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was tripping over his suitcase as he wheeled it out to the elevator, pretty much still asleep.

Jungkook sucked his teeth in annoyance as he exited his apartment.

"Yah, wake up. You'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane." He said to a closed eyed Taehyung as they waited for the elevator.

"I am awake, thank you very much. I'm just...just resting my eyes." Taehyung said through a soft yawn.

"Yeah, sure. Gimme that before you hurt yourself." Jungkook grumbled as he snatched the handle of Taehyung's luggage.

He might've looked like a gentleman being that he now had two suitcases and his carry on, but trust me. He only did it because Taehyung was slow.

That was what he told himself anyway.

Taehyung mumbled something incoherent that sounded affirmative and shuffled into the elevator with his large tote bag.

Jungkook could admit to himself that the older male looked much nicer like this. Not making a fuss or being rude suited Taehyung. He looked almost...


Of course, Jungkook knew better.

When Taehyung was fully awake, his real side would most definitely resurface.

The ride in the elevator was silent.

The pair reached the lobby without so much as a glance.

Jungkook wasn't used to Taehyung being so quiet. He believed he would enjoy it, but quickly realized he didn't.

"You two have all your stuff? Okay. Great. Let's go. We're on a time limit here." Namjoon said as the driver relieved Jungkook of all the luggage.

"Calm down, Namjoon. We still have two hours until our flight." Yoongi said in a sleepy voice.

Jungkoook was surprised that his manager was able to formulate words. God knows how much that man loves his sleep.

Despite Yoongi's insistence that they had plenty of time, the four men quickly got into the car.

Namjoon had chosen to ride upfront with Jungkook's bodyguard, Jin, who happened to double as his driver. He insisted that it was because Jin needed directions. But ever since the two crossed paths, they'd been inseparable. It would seem that Seokjin spent more time 'guarding' Namjoon than him.

Jungkook didn't mind though.

The usually quiet observer blossomed in Namjoon's presence. His Hyung was definitely happier.

Who was Jungkook to be mad at that?

With the three of them in the back, it was quite hard to have much personal space.

Sleepy Taehyung didn't seem to care about salvaging what little space they had and cuddled into Jungkook.

Before he could protest, slim arms wrapped around his bicep and the older was fast asleep.

"I can't believe he fell asleep like that. Ugh. Why is he so clingy? My arm is in a death grip!" Jungkook tried his best to wriggle from Taehyung's hold, but the smaller male was surprisingly strong. Even in his sleep.

"TaeTae? Yeah, he's a cuddler. You might as well just relax, cause you're not getting your arm back any time soon." Namjoon said over his shoulder matter-of-factly.

Upon hearing his words, Jungkook relented with a huff.

"I really hope there's no traffic." He said with a very audible sigh.

Taehyung snuggled his face into the fabric of Jungkook's hoodie and the younger bit his lip.

His heart was beating fast and his skin was on fire where Taehyung held him, but he felt calm.

Content even.

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