H O N E Y !

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In which Jungkook decides he's marrying Taehyung and his costar adamantly declines.


"Why isn't he picking up?" Jungkook muttered to himself as he held his phone to his ear, his pajama clad legs splayed across the bed.

"Hello?" Taehyung's deep voice flooded into the receiver with a raspiness that could have only been caused by giving a blow job or sleeping.

Jungkook prayed that it was due to the latter.

"Are you home?" Jungkook asked while trying to expel any imagines of Taehyung doing lewd acts from his head.

"Yeah... I was actually taking a nap before your call interrupted it." Taehyung grumbled with a pout Jungkook was sure he could feel through the phone.

"It's 6pm! I can't believe you're sleeping the day away. Did you go out last night? I don't remember hearing you leave..." Jungkook questioned curiously.

It had been almost a week since the two co-stars so much as bumped into each other. Taehyung had been doing a bunch of recordings for the OST of their drama. Since the whole soundtrack was going to be sung by the cast members, Jungkook and Taehyung eventually would sing together on a few tracks.

The problem was that Jungkook couldn't wait till the end of the week to see the boxy-smiled boy next door.

Yoongi was on a random date with some mystery man and Seokjin was meeting with his book club.

That left Jungkook with Taehyung. If he was honest, he would've just said that he missed the elder, but Jungkook knew that his costar would never let him live it down.

"No. I did not go out last night, and for your information I have been out all day helping Jimin find the perfect outfit for his date with Yoongi. I only just laid down before you-" Taehyung started his rant, but Jungkook cut him off.

"Jimin is the mystery man that Hyung is going on a date with?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Interrupted me...and yes he is. You didn't know?" Taehyung continued his sentence with an annoyed but halfhearted huff.

"What's your key code?" Jungkook asked as he jumped to his feet and hastily slid on a t-shirt.

"Why would I tell you that?" Taehyung asked with his eyes narrowed at the phone.

"Because I wanna know." Jungkook stated plainly.

"Well you'll have to figure it out and I will have you know that I just reset it so it will be very hard to-" Jungkook ended the call with a smirk before Taehyung could even finish.

"Hello? Yah!!" Taehyung screamed onto the dead phone line as his front door beeped to indicate someone's entrance.

"Honey, I'm home! By the way, you really shouldn't have a code that's so easy to guess." Jungkook animatedly held his arms out for a hug and Taehyung was momentarily stunned.

"I seriously can't believe you just hung up on me you brat. I wasn't even done talk-wait, how'd you get in here?!" Taehyung asked and wagged his wodden spoon at the offender threateningly.

Since he wasn't falling back asleep he figured he could at least make dinner.

There was no way that Jungkook could have ever been scared. Especially not with Taehyung donning a neon green apron that read "don't expect miracles", his hair slightly tussled and flour on his cheek.

"I guessed? Come on, you couldn't have really thought your code was difficult. I know you were born in 1993." Jungkook looked at his costar with raised brows and a smirk that was verging on full fledged laughter.

"Don't laugh! I thought it was a good code..." Taehyung frowned petulantly and crossed his arms.

"It was Tae, a really good one. I only guessed it because I know you sooo well. We basically have telepathy." Jungkook teased as he leaned on the bar watching the elder.

"Shut up, we aren't that close and your shirts on inside out you pabo." Taehyung said while nodding toward the younger.

Jungkook's amused grin faltered slightly, the blush on his face barely registered, before he stripped the shirt off altogether.

"W-What are you doing?!" Taehyung stuttered at his costar as his neck flushed in embarrassment.

He had obviously seen Jungkook shirtless before, but that didn't mean it left him any less breathless anytime it happened.

"I'm turning my shirt back around? Unless you prefer I leave it off. The kitchen can get pretty hot.." Jungkook smirked again and Taehyung silently cursed, and thanked, whoever was up there for making such a cocky asshole.

"No! Put it back on please. I need to focus." Taehyung watched the muscled man shrug and tug his shirt on before turning his back to continue chopping the veggies on his cutting board.

"Do I make it hard to concentrate? Does it make you nervous honey?" Jungkook continued to play with the elder and even casually rested his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Yes it does, because I'm afraid I'll burn the house down. Move, and stop calling me honey! I'm not your wife." Taehyung grumbled and side-stepped away from the clingy male in order to deposit the veggies into the boiling pot on the stove.

"No you're not, but you'd make a really cute husband." Jungkook smiled and waggled his eyebrows at his costar who blushed but recoiled immediately.

"Hyunggg. Play with me. I'm so bored." Jungkook whined childishly as he followed behind the elder like his shadow.

"Jungkook, how can I play with you if I'm cooking? Am I supposed to just let the food cook itself? What's gotten into you?" Taehyung chided the younger with a hint of an edge to his voice.

"Tae. We haven't seen each other in a week. It's like you... you didn't even miss me." Jungkook pressed himself into Taehyung's backside again but gently. His fingers ghosting over the elder's hips with a tenderness, in both his touch and his voice, that almost shattered his costar's heart.

"Jungkook it's not that. This is all reminding me a lot of Hobi and it's kinda freaking me out. I don't know.. I'm sorry." Taehyung fumbled through an apology and Jungkook nodded as he released the elder.

"It's ok. I'm being weird. Friends aren't supposed to do that, rewind... Yoongi and Jimin huh? Crazy match, but I think they're quite cute." Jungkook coughed and awkwardly scratched his neck as he distanced himself.

Taehyung's mouth couldn't help but turn downward at the newly granted personal space.

"Yeah, uh they are. Apparently they ran into each other and Yoongi offered to help Jimin carry his groceries." Taehyung said absentmindedly.

"Oh really? Is that why Hyung was so late?" Jungkook asked with widened doe eyes.

"Mhm. They hung at Jimin's apartment and then he texted me to give Yoongi his number. Hyung didn't tell you about it?" Taehyung asked over his shoulder as he strained a pot of noodles.

"Oh, no. Yoongi isn't one to share about his love life unless he's sure the relationship is serious. That and I think he figures we'll tease him about it." Jungkook tied up his omission with a chuckle.

"Well, hopefully they both have something good to report." Taehyung muses as he plates japchae for two.

"Are you hungry?" The elder asked as he turned to his co-star, plate in hand, and playfully taunted him with chopsticks.

"Can I really have that?" Jungkook inquired as he stared at the plate longingly.

"Who do you think I made it for?" Taehyung asked with a laugh and set the plate down in front of the younger.

"Eat up." He said with a warm smile.

Jungkook nodded and eagerly shoveled a bite into his mouth before moaning contentedly.

"Seriously, you'd make a hell of husband."

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