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In which, mornings get a little more exciting with Vkook around.


Jungkook was wide awake.

That fact wouldn't have been alarming had the young actor just woken up, but he had in fact been up for quite some time.

As usual, Jungkook felt extremely tired and laid down to rest, only to wake up about an hour or two later. So, he was then experiencing the aftermath of chasing sleep for only a few hours at a time the entire night. His eyes were bloodshot and sore from overuse, but he wasn't exactly complaining. Sure, it would be wonderful if he could actually get a full night's sleep, but this wasn't exactly bad either. He stared down at a sleeping Taehyung with his chin in his hand, an unreadable expression on his face.

He was both amazed and perplexed as to how someone could be such a cute sleeper and why that someone would ever help him.

Chestnut colored hair tousled by his constant turning and dark lashes that sweep against high cheekbones, Jungkook decided they were two of his favorite parts of the elder.

Full pink lips that form a natural pout but light one's soul ablaze when made to smile. That was easily Jungkook's favorite of all.

Jungkook and his co-star didn't give each other smiles very often. However, whenever Taehyung graced him with his own big, boxy smile, the younger man was in awe. His astonishment was disguised by his tough exterior and stoic expression, but it was truly a mystery to him how anyone could be so beautiful. Initially, Jungkook was aware of his obvious attraction to Taehyung. But as the days passed, he realized that it was more than that. Aside from his co-stars sex appeal, his personality made Jungkook's blood boil and his heart flutter all at once.

Jungkook couldn't deny that he not only cared for Taehyung, but he respected and admired him as well. The younger isn't anyone easy to deal with by any means, but Taehyung didn't shut him out like he expected.

He didn't refuse to work with him, or cancel the contract because he got a difficult co-star.

Instead, he protected Jungkook even though he wasn't asked to, and made a tiny crack in the glass that encased the young man's heart.

Of course, he got on Jungkook's last nerve and the two fought like cats and dogs, but he didn't leave him. He stuck by his side, even if it meant risking alcohol poisoning. Thank God all he's got was a hangover.

And Jungkook was grateful.

He knew how much of an ass he could be, but he really hoped to keep Taehyung around.

"Why are you watching me like that? What time is it?" A deep, raspy-voiced Taehyung said as he fought to hold onto sleep.

If Jungkook had enjoyed watching Taehyung sleep, hearing him come out of sleep was even better. It's like the man went from adorable to edible in a matter of seconds, and Jungkook's brain couldn't catch up.

"I thought you were asleep." Jungkook playfully mocked Taehyung's answer after watching him "sleep" on the plane.

"I guess I had that one coming huh?" Taehyung asked with a small, sleepy smile.

He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah you did. It's 10am by the way, we don't have to leave until 1." Jungkook said as he handed him painkillers and gestured to a glass of water on the nightstand.

Taehyung accepted both gratefully and took the pills.

"Thank you.."

"But I think I'm dying." Taehyung stated with a dramatic groan as he flopped onto his pillow.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's just a hangover." Jungkook dismissed his claims with a pretentious scoff.

"I'll have you know, that this is the worst hangover, I've ever had in my life and it's your fault! Because if you could drink- Wait. What the hell are we doing sharing a room and why is there one bed?!" Taehyung started his venomous attack and Jungkook questioned all of the nice things he ever thought about the elder.

"Look.. it wasn't my idea. Namjoon-Hyung said it would help us become closer and Seokjin-Hyung wouldn't switch. Plus, it was late and you were kinda heavy." Jungkook confessed in a rambled string of sentences.

"So, you're basically saying that they set us up and I'm fat?" Taehyung asked with an annoyed expression.

"Yes, wait-I mean no! You're not fat, it's just that I carried you from the car and I was tired so you felt heavier." Jungkook paled and his eyes went wide.

Taehyung had totally reversed it to make him seem like the bad guy and to think he did all that work.

"Jungkook I'm fucking with you, relax." Taehyung said with a serious look before falling into a fit of laughs.

"So, you like fucking with people?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows in question.

"Yes, I-NO-hold on you totally just set me up." Taehyung stuttered through his response, both amused and annoyed by the smug look on Jungkook's face.

"You said it, not me. It's not my fault you just can't stop fucking with everyone. Namjoon must be so disappointed." Jungkook replied before keeling over with laughter.

"Hey!" Taehyung shouted before grabbing a pillow and hurling at Jungkook's face.

The younger immediately stopped laughing and grabbed a pillow to smack Taehyung with.

It wasn't long before the two started an all out war and when they hadn't answered their phones, their Hyungs decided to let themselves in, only to find to overgrown children pillow fighting and covered in feathers.

"I said get closer and they got stupid." Namjoon face palmed.

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