Y O O N M I N: H E S A I D Y E S

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Special Yoonmin chapter in which they both realize how warm the others makes them feel-even in freezing weather.


Yoongi exited the grocery store and stuffed his cold hand into his pocket. A plastic bag hung from his fre wrist and he blew on his icy fingers. It was Sunday, which meant Jungkook would be coming to Yoongi and Seokjin's for dinner. The eldest had sent Yoongi out to go on a last minute kimchi run.

Had it just been the three of them that evening, there would have been more than enough and Yoongi could've stayed inside where it was warm. Seokjin had generously invited Namjoon and Taehyung to join their weekly tradition. Yoongi was curled on the couch, reading over some emails when Seokjin ordered him to "go out and get more kimchi" for their guests.

If Yoongi was honest-and not slightly terrified of Seokjin-he might've expressed his displeasure over the sudden intrusion. Sunday's were always their thing-just the three of them. They would eat till they couldn't move, watch whatever corny show was on until everyone fell asleep, and then Jungkook would wind up sneaking out at 1am-much to Seokjin's dismay.

It was nice and familiar, Yoongi liked the laid back feeling he got when spending time with the two men that become his family. Seeing how much effort Seokjin put into making dinner for everyone-mostly Namjoon-made Yoongi feel uneasy. Sunday dinners were supposed to be no-brainers, and he felt like they were preparing for the biggest event of their lives.

"Jin better be happy that I love him. I'm freezing my balls off out here." Yoongi grumbled to himself as he walked along the dimly lit street.

The sound of rustling bags got his attention and he noticed a that a man-who had been carrying numerous bags of groceries-dropped his things. Yoongi quickly picked up his pace and jogged over to assist the person.

"Excuse me sir, you dropped this." Yoongi said politely as he retrieved one of the man's many bags.

"Oh, Thank you." The man said in a rushed voice that Yoongi thought he recognized.

When the man straightened and reached out for the bag he locked eyes with Yoongi. Immediately the latter's heart felt like it stopped, because the man in front of him was in fact, Park Jimin.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked with widened eyes, though he already knew the answer.

Jimin blinked a few times in surprise as he took his groceries with a slight bow.

"Hyung! It's good to see you again." Jimin flashed a toothy smile that made Yoongi's, previously frigid, body very warm.

"Yes, I had a great time the other day." Yoongi said as he chewed absentmindedly on his lower lip.

"Yeah it was nice meeting you all." Jimin nodded before shifting the weight of the heavy bags his hands. The action quickly garnered the elder's attention, and he took most of the bags into his arms.

"Here, let me help you. Where are you headed, to your car?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"Oh, it's ok! My apartment is close by. I can manage on my own." Jimin refused politely and attempted to recollect his bags, but Yoongi wouldn't yield.

"You're walking? These bags are too heavy. I'll come with you. Which way is it? Straight?" Yoongi slid a safe distant away from Jimin's reach and started to walk.

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