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In which Taehyung can't help but lose himself and Jungkook is more than willing to pick up the pieces.


"Are they seriously fighting again?! They were getting along so well this morning!" Namjoon groaned in annoyance as he watched the two young actors bicker in their dressing room.

"Honestly, I don't think these two will ever stop fighting." Seokjin, the usually optimistic one, added.

"They look like they're five seconds from either fucking or killing each other. I say we give them the room and let them have at it." Yoongi said with a bored expression as he nursed his americano.

"Yah! That's my baby brother you're talking about. He's not like that and Jungkook isn't his type.." Namjoon jabbed Yoongi in his side with an annoyed pout.

"It's no surprise Kookie is lusting after him. I would too if I were into tall guys. Baby brother or not, the kid could easily seduce anyone." Yoongi stated matter-of-factly, face utterly expressionless as he took another sip of his coffee.

"He probably already has.." Seokjin affirmed with a head nod in their direction.

"Jin!" Namjoon whined at the man with a child-like petulance.

"What? I'm just saying. Baby bro can seduce me any day." Seokjin confesses with a cheeky grin and nonchalant shrug.

"Agreed. Tae is definitely worth making an exception for." Yoongi and Seokjin high-fived like a pair of horny teenagers and Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking about my precious TaeTae like that! He would never sleep with you two pabos anyway!" Namjoon whisper-shouted at them before folding his arms in a huff.

"Awe don't be like that Joonie!! We could be in-laws!" Seokjin teased him and pinched his cheeks.

"Not if I get him first Jin-Hyung." Yoongi playfully challenged Seokjin, much to Namjoon's contempt.

"No! I'd never let either of you touch my brother, let alone date him!" Namjoon quickly refuted the possibility of either of them becoming his in-law.

Mostly because he had a little crush on Seokjin and nobody, not even Yoongi, would ever be good enough for Taehyung.

After a half hour of adamantly insisting that neither Seokjin nor Yoongi were allowed to date/sleep with Taehyung, Namjoon was begging for a distraction. It was announced that everyone would have a lunch break after the next scene was filmed, and he felt relieved. The other two finally seemed bored with teasing him and quieted down to watch the filming.

Since the leads were the only ones filming in Jeju, everyone got excited to see the pair act together.

Namjoon turned his attention toward the set in order to watch his brother.

Taehyung and Jungkook were especially focused despite all of their previous bickering. They had a pretty decent morning together and even went out for breakfast with their Hyungs. As soon as they got to the set that day all hell broke loose.

The pair was informed that they would have to film a kissing scene.

Despite it being the early stages of filming, the director wanted to use the scene in their promotional teaser and release it the next week.
The two had been arguing ever since, both of them frustrated for different reasons.

Jungkook hadn't minded a kissing scene. He knew it would happen eventually. Truthfully, he had been more than happy to kiss the older. It was just that.. Jungkook wasn't sure he could film the scene without feeling something, or worse, doing something to ruin the tiny bit of progress they made.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was terrified. He wanted to kiss Jungkook more than anything. The thought scared him and also made him feel a little guilty.

The last pair of lips to press against Taehyung's were Hoseok's. The last pair of hands to explore his skin were Hoseok's. It didn't feel right to replace his touch with Jungkook's.

Especially since his touch had been the one that Taehyung craved.

Taehyung couldn't hear or see anyone except Jungkook. All while thinking of Hoseok. He delivered his lines mechanically, barely delivering the necessary amount of emotion and the director became concerned.

"CUT! Taehyung, you feeling alright? You're not quite looking  down to earth. Are you not up to this?" The director inquired as a dozen pairs of shocked eyes looked around in confusion.

Taehyung shook his head after catching the concerned look Namjoom threw his way.

Without having to say anything, he knew his brother understood how he was feeling. Still, Taehyung decided to film the scene and not let his emotions get the better of him.

"I'm alright. I can do it. Let me try again." Taehyung insisted before drawing in a huge breath.

Jungkook eyed him, trying to decode the situation without having to ask.

Taehyung bit his lip and looked at his feet until he heard "action".

Their lines were delivered again, and Taehyung, for a moment, was back to normal.

"Kiss me." Taehyung asked in a breathless whisper that could only be heard due to the impressive body mics.

"What? Do you know what you're asking?!" Jungkook looked at him with widened eyes nearly shouting at him as he spoke.

"Yes! I know and I'm asking you! Be greedy with me.. Kim Ha-Neul. Be greedy, just this once." Taehyung could feel the tears welling in his eyes.

He swore the look of concern that Jungkook was giving him was real.

When the younger brought his hand up to rest on the elder's cheek it was warm. Tentative steps were taken forward and soft lips made contact with his own. Taehyung closed his eyes and a single tear slipped down his cheek as he allowed himself to be wrapped in Jungkook's embrace.

The kiss was slow and languid, but not lacking in intensity as Taehyung gripped his co-star's shirt. Jungkook's wet tongue prodded at Taehyung's lips, begging for entrance, and he obliged.

However the moment was short lived, because Taehyung, with reluctance, pulled away.

The breathless pair looked up at each other, eyes full of want and confusion.

Neither of them wanted to stop, but clearly they had to for the sake of not fucking in front of their coworkers.

"CUT!! That's a wrap guys. Great job. The emotion was spot on! That's all for today!" The director shouted and everyone breathed a grateful sigh.

The day had been long and everyone was happy to be done with this portion of the filming. Once the two leads were mostly alone, Jungkook couldn't help but feel concerned.

Taehyug looked dejected and his co-star was worried that the kiss had gone too far.

"Hyung, no-Taehyung. Seriously, are you okay?" Jungkook grabbed Taehyhung's arm before he could dismiss it and walk off.

His grip was gentle and having Jungkook's hands on his skin was soothing.

That was all it took for Taehyung to lose it.

He was still hurting and now confused by the slew of emotions that had surfaced. He was in Jungkook's arms before the tears could even fall.

"I-I-" Taehyung choked on his words as sobs wrecked his body.

"Don't talk. You don't have to tell me, just cry if you want. You can go back to hating me later." Jungkook wrapped his arms tighter around the man who's head was buried in his chest.

Taehyung didn't mean to lose control like that. He really didn't. But he couldn't help it.

Somehow, Jungkook understood just what he needed.

Slowly, Taehyung was calmed by the sound of his heartbeat and the gentle feel of fingers in his hair.

"I don't hate you."

In fact...

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