I T ' S O K A Y

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In which Namjoon is tired of Taehyung pretending he is fine and Jungkook admits his own heartbreak.


Jungkook finally released Taehyung from his embrace after a few moments passed. The elder was still visibly upset, but much calmer than he had been previously.

Jungkook was grateful that the director was satisfied enough with their performance to give them the day off. He was tired and Taehyung was in no condition to keep filming.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked gruffly with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"No, I just-" Taehyung looked into the brown orbs that stared back at him and started to speak.

"TaeTae! You okay?! What happened out there. You were crying! It was about him, wasn't it?! I swear to God Tae! I'm gonna kill Hoseok's sorry ass when we get back.." Namjoon ran over, the other two trailed behind him as he raked his hair in frustration.

"No, Hyung. I'm fine.. don't do anything. " Taehyung sighed as he looked at his brother and Jungkook noticed that he suddenly looked very exhausted.

"You are so not fine! How can you expect me to just sit around while you're hurting like this?! You don't have to see him Tae. I can find you a new bodyguard if it's too much." Namjoon tried his best to contain his emotions, but naturally, as Taehyung's big brother, that proved difficult.

"No, No! I agreed to still be friends. I told him that I didn't want this to change anything between us." Taehyung insisted and started to feel frustrated.

He knew that Namjoon was protective of him, but he was old enough to make his own choices.

"But things have changed! You keep saying that you're fine! You're fine! But are you really okay!? I haven't seen you smile in so long that when you do, I have to stop everything and watch because I don't know when I'll see it again! I've been quiet Tae. I've given you your space this whole time. Just like you asked! But you can't keep acting like you're fine. You're not fine! And it fucking kills me to see you like this because I know that he's doing well while you're hurting. He gets the luxury of still being your friend and what do you get? Huh Tae?!" Namjoon exploded with rage that wasn't really directed toward Taehyung.

He was just sick of seeing his brother pretending to be okay, telling him not to worry when it was his job to worry.

He hated Hoseok for what he did.

Namjoon nearly did kill him after Taehyung showed up to his apartment with swollen eyes, an hours worth of tear stains on his cheeks.

He really hadn't intended to go off like that on his brother, but the damage was already done. The veins in his neck pulsed and his face got an angry shade of red. Fresh tears made their way down Taehyung's face and before he could respond, his brother had turned to leave.

"Namjoon! Wait!" Seokjin called out and looked at Taehyung with an apologetic expression before running after him.

Yoongi and Jungkook looked at eachother bewildered, before the former followed after Seokjin.

Taehyung sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Well this is embarrassing.." He mumbled before giving a pained laugh.

"Not as embarrassing as being dumped by your boyfriend on your 12 month anniversary because his girlfriend returned from studying abroad." Jungkook says nonchalantly as they walk toward their dressing room to change.

"What? That actually happened to you?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook in amazement, figuring that a guy like him would never be the kind to get broken up with.

"Why is that so surprising?" Jungkook asked as he pulled off his dress shirt.

"Because.. you don't seem like the type to get dumped." Taehyung admitted as he shamelessly gawked at Jungkook's muscled arms.

Even in a tank top, he looked ethereal.

"Believe it or not. I wasn't this irresistible in highschool. Just this skinny kid with a nice face and a huge crush on a senior way out of my league."

Jungkook smirked at a blushing Taehyung as he slid off his pants. The elder quickly looked away and tried his best to change as fast as possible. Why he had suddenly become so shy around the younger was a mystery to him. Surely it couldn't have been because of that dumb kiss..

"You mean you weren't always this cocky? What a shocker.." Taehyung verbally jabbed at Jungkook who simply winked as he pulled his hoodie over his head.

"Oh I was still cocky.. But now it's completely justifiable." He said as he pulled on his sweats and a pair of timberlands.

Taehyung smiled to himself at the sight as he adjusted his cardigan. Jungkook almost always had on sweats and timberlands.

"Oh really? How so?" Taehyung asked as he quirked an eyebrow in question.

"You'll just have to wait and see, Hyung." Jungkook gave him a teasing smirk and Taehyung couldn't help but roll his eyes.

As usual, Jungkook couldn't be serious even if his life depended on it.

"There you guys are! Come on, I'm starving!" Yoongi complained after appearing in the doorway. He grabbed the two by their sleeves and proceeded to drag them out to the car.

"When are you not 'starving' Hyung?" Jungkook teased.

"Yah! Shut up you punk!" Yoongi scolded him as they made their way to Namjoon and Jin, who had obviously just finished talking.

Namjoon walked up to his brother almost immediately.

"Look Tae.. I'm sorry for what I said. It's not my place to be in your business and I shouldn't have yelled like that." Namjoon apologized, already feeling awful for what he said.

"Don't be sorry Hyung. I know you want to protect me and you're worried. But let me get through it my way okay?" Taehyung looked at his brother earnestly as he spoke.

"Alright." Namjoon nodded before enveloping his brother in a hug that warmed all their hearts.

"This is beautiful and all.. but can we get some food?" Yoongi inquired seriously and Seokjin deadpanned.

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