Friend or Foe

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Hiccup sat astride the saddle, clinging tight with his knees as he stretched his arms out to the sides. Closing his eyes, he revelled in the feel of the wind on his face. Though it was nearly summer, the air still held the chill of spring. It did not bother the young rider. He just felt a wonderful sense of freedom as he rode the currents with his brother.

It had been nearly a year since they had left Berk behind and he was now 16 years. His rite of passage into manhood celebrated quietly with new friends instead of the ridiculous ceremony that would have been required back home. He had to admit that he had found himself a comfortable place here. Eret senior had even offered him a permanent job in the forge. Hiccup however, found that he was unable to accept this offer.

The place and people were pleasant enough, but it just didn't feel like home. There was a nagging sense in his core that he wasn't supposed to stay here. Perhaps it was just what Gobber used to call 'Wanderlust'. Many a Viking had suddenly acquired a taste for adventure and could no longer settle in any one place. Convinced that something better was waiting just over the horizon. Toothless feeling much the same way. Whatever the reason, the two of them had been using any free time they could wrangle to get out flying.

They had begun to venture further afield during these flights. Their explorations leading Hiccup to discover that there were actually many other small villages scattered about inland. He had also begun to suspect that this land was not as large as it had originally appeared. That it was in fact an island much like his own homeland, albeit a substantially more sizeable one. Perhaps one day he and Toothless would just continue flying until they discovered what, if anything, lay beyond the boundaries of this land as well.

Toothless curved his wings around an updraft then and brought them into a slow backwards flip, ending back below the cloud cover. It was dark enough now for them to be hidden from view against the sky. They were just about to make another lazy turn and begin their leisurely glide back to the village when Hiccup spotted strange lights and fires on the ground. Seating himself properly in the saddle, he banked Toothless downwards towards the scene. Hoping to get a better view.

"There is some sort of small battle going on down there, I think," came Toothless' voice in Hiccup's head. As they got nearer, even Hiccup's weaker human ears could suddenly hear the sounds of men shouting and metal clashing. They swooped in close and saw a small village under siege. Running along one whole side of the village was a stone wall with a large gate. Near this dividing wall, Hiccup could see a group of men from one of the northern tribes fighting with what appeared to be soldiers in full battle dress.

While the soldiers were distracted, the remaining tribesmen were busy raiding the village of valuables. Even at a quick glance Hiccup could tell that the soldiers, though highly skilled, would not win. They were severely out-numbered. Even if they did manage to drive off the men they were fighting, the village would already be devastatingly pillaged.

Hiccup urged Toothless downwards and they began to fire shots at the raiding barbarians. Toothless being mindful not to hit any of the timber and thatch homes with his fire blasts. Igniting the village would be the opposite of helpful. Hiccup taking up his bow and quiver from the saddle bag as he began to loose arrows at the tribesmen that were clashing with the soldiers. It didn't take long before the tribesmen simply lowered their weapons and fled back through the gate in the wall. Clearly they did not much care to face an angry dragon that they could not see. The soldiers however, were looking up to the sky in search of their salvation.

When Hiccup chanced to land near the troop, most of the men dropped their weapons and lowered to the ground in stunned obeisance. Convinced that this being must have been sent by the gods in answer to their prayers for aid. Hiccup merely stared around at the men, confused by their behaviour. Surely they had seen a dragon before?

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