Sneak Peek

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For those that are just diving into this series, here is that sneak peek that I totally forgot to post. Just to get you interested in the next one. It is titled, 'The Weight of Betrayal' and the first chapters are already up :) For those that have already started reading the second book, you need not bother reading this again. Lol. Enjoy :)


Odin sat alone in his chamber. Fingers massaging his temples as he furrowed his snowy white brow in frustrated concentration, but it was just no good. He had been trying to scry that blasted Rider for the last few weeks and he was getting nowhere. How was this insignificant human continuing to block his sight? It just shouldn't be possible! This unfortunate fact had bothered Odin right from day one. Although, if he was honest, there was nothing insignificant about the human. Neither of the humans, really.

To make matters even worse, he was unable to scry the half-elf prince either, most of the time. The Allfather just didn't know what to make of this uncomfortable situation. Ilweran and Hiccup had the potential to solidify Odin's rightful claim to power. To rally everyone behind them and conquer the evils that threatened the worlds. People of all races liked them, and were willing to follow them anywhere. Together, the two part-human Riders were a true force to be reckoned with. He was sure that they were the humans of the lost prophecy.

It had been foreseen that the ones who would bring an end to this war were approaching. The prophecy had spoken of two Riders. Both with close ties to Midgard. One of night and one of light. A pair of polar opposite, yet perfectly matched warriors.

They were fated to restore balance to the nine worlds, and purported to possess gifts that would make them nigh unstoppable. Providing whichever side they chose with unchallenged control over the lands. The moment that Odin had seen Ilweran escorting Hiccup into headquarters, he had known that he was witnessing history in the making. They were exactly as the prophecy had claimed they would be.

Ilweran had always been the golden boy of the elven race. Half-human crown prince; gifted with all of the same physical skill and arcane power as the elves, but with the rugged looks and empathetic charm of the humans. Everything from his white blonde hair to his sunshine eyes and persona making him seem like the embodiment of beauty and light. The women of every realm had fawned over him and the Æsir and Council members had been equally as enthralled. From the moment that Ilweran had bonded with his dragon, Odin had been sure that they had found the Rider of Light.

Now he just needed to find the darker half that would complete the fated circle. The only problem was that Loki seemed to have somehow learned of the prophecy as well, or at least parts of it. Although the entirety of it remained a mystery, it was clear that this Dark Rider would be from Midgard. Odin had made sure to close the gateway to the human realm right after receiving the vision. Limiting access to the world, but there were always ways around Bifröst if one was clever enough. Despite his other flaws, Loki had always been uncommonly clever.

It became a waiting game between Odin's soldiers and Loki's minions. Each of them anxiously preparing for when a new human would become bonded. It had finally happened, and the race was on. When Ilweran had reported that the newest Rider had been located, everyone in Asgard had breathed a sigh of relief. Relief that promptly turned to nervous uncertainty when the midnight black night fury landed in the square outside Order Headquarters.

The dragon had glared around at the waiting spectators with deeply intelligent eyes of a menacing acid green. The tall and slender man on his back dressed in all black battle armour to match his dragon. Complete with a full helmet that concealed his face. He could easily have been mistaken for a draugr, as he peered around the square as well. Bright green eyes, remarkably similar to those of his dragon, glinting through the slits in his sinister mask.

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now