True Colours

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As Hiccup said Stormheart's name, Astrid's face went white in shock and horror. Then a red flush of rage began to rise up her face. He saw some of the anger he was battling flash behind her eyes at this, and he knew that she understood perfectly. She helped Heather up onto Stormfly. Visibly biting back a gasp as she took in Heather's torn clothes and bruised ribs. The blood coating the inside of her leggings. With another strained and furious glance in his direction, Astrid climbed on behind Heather. Gripping her arms tightly around either side of her friend, in case she passed out.

"I'll meet you in the square," she growled before taking off. Once they were out of sight, Hiccup quickly tore off a large branch from a tree. Using some bandages from his saddlebag he bound it to the broken wing to form a makeshift splint. Then he climbed on Toothless and the pair carefully picked up Windshear and carried her back to the village.

Laying the injured nadder gently on the ground in the square, Toothless then landed softly beside her. Stormfly touching down next to them as Astrid jumped to the ground, looking angrier than he'd ever seen her. "Heather is at Gothi's. What do we do now? He can't get away with this!" she hissed viciously.

"I agree, and he will not get away with it. Not this time." Astrid whipped her eyes up to his in shock and he nodded to confirm. Her hands balled into tight fists as she seemed to tremble in her rage. Hiccup looked around, conscious of the villagers that had begun to gather at the sight of the injured dragon. "Do not worry Astrid. He will be punished this time, I personally guarantee it. Do you think Stormfly would mind tracking our little friend down?" Astrid grinned savagely and hopped back onto her dragon as Stormfly squawked loudly in anticipation.

It didn't take long and he was struck again by how well those two worked together. They were an absolutely perfect team of gloriously beautiful hunters. Stormfly was so enraged by the attack on her dragon sister, and so ready to finally end this brute, that she had tracked the son of a bitch faster than Hiccup could even believe. He was down at the docks watching the ships being loaded with the last of the supplies. Likely hoping to build an alibi if Heather decided to report him. Though he obviously assumed she wouldn't, and probably expected everyone to be too preoccupied to hold a full inquiry anyways.

Before Hiccup could say or do anything, Astrid and Stormfly swooped down and grabbed the horrid man by the shoulders. He flailed and screamed, causing people below to stare in confusion. The blonde warrior and her dragon looking just like a Valkyrie about to deliver divine justice. Ignoring the man's remonstrations, Astrid brought him straight to the square and dropped him unceremoniously on the ground. As Toothless landed Astrid was already jumping down and heading towards Stormheart with murder in her eyes.

She began shouting at him and he shouted back insolently as he clambered to his feet. Hiccup ran over and grabbed her just as she was unholstering her axe. Pulling her away before it could escalate any farther. Not that he would care if she killed the man, but the whole gathered village did not need to know what exactly had happened to Heather. He would explain it to the chiefs and council later. Besides, he had promised Minden than she could deal with this bastard when the time came.

Witnessing Hiccup's retreat with Astrid, Stormheart laughed loudly. "Ya, that's right. Your boyfriend knows what's up, girl. You can't touch me."

Hiccup turned around, still holding Astrid back. "I am afraid that you are mistaken. You will not be able to get out of it this time, even with your daddy on the council. You are on Berk now and the Bogs do not take well to attacks against their people. Shooting down a dragon rider; that has to be a new one for you. Usually you only target the ones that are too afraid to fight back." The gathered villagers began muttering as he gave the hideous brute a speculative look. "I knew exactly what you were when I denied you from dragon training. I held my tongue and spared your life for the sake of peace. I should have just killed you then and been done with it."

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now