Into The Eye Of The Storm

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Hiccup stood by Toothless in the village square early the next morning. Ilweran and Minden also there with their dragons while Stormfly waited impatiently for Astrid. He had to give the Vikings credit. Human alcohol was not strong to him and Ilweran, as compared to the liquors and potions on Alfheim. It was more than strong enough for the humans though. Yet the troops were still up early and loading themselves onto the ships.

Suddenly Astrid threw her arms around him from behind. He had heard her coming, but pretended to act surprised anyways. He was just glad that they were talking again. She'd had him worried yesterday. Had he managed to drive her away so soon? If she was that upset at seeing him kill one person that had definitely deserved it...

Last night at the feast had soothed his nerves somewhat. Then he'd had to worry all over again once he'd watched her return home with her family. As much as he would have loved to have spent last night with her, it was for the best. She would be leaving this realm soon. In all the chaos, they hadn't told her family yet. They didn't know it, but they needed this time with her to say goodbye. He and Astrid would have eternity together, after all.

"Finally awake are you?" Hiccup asked teasingly. She huffed at him in mock scorn.

"You know that I've been up for hours. I met all of the riders at the academy and made sure their dragons were completely ready to go. They should be arriving here soon enough. Heather is going to join Eret's group as Windshear is in no shape to fly." With this she let him go and went over to greet Stormfly warmly.

After everyone was assembled, they set off. Aside from Toothless and Tintallë, all the rest of the dragons were squeezed on board the ships. Stoick's idea, since they would need to save their strength for the coming fight. Unfortunately the two bonded dragons were much too large to ride with the others. This left Hiccup and Ilweran to either glide slowly and patiently above the armada. Or scout ahead a ways before sitting and waiting for the ships to catch up. It reminded Hiccup drearily of his days marching with the Roman Army into Judea.

When they were only a few leagues out from Helheim's Gate, Hiccup alerted Ilweran to his plan. He would fly ahead and use magic to remove the mist from the area. That way the armada would have clear sailing right to the island.

"I would normally suggest keeping the cover of fog, but I think it is safe to assume that she will be expecting us. You are right. It would be better to have a clear heading instead of waiting for the queen's troops to ambush us along the way." Ilweran agreed with a thoughtful rub of his chin. "Would you like my assistance?"

"No, that is alright. Stay with the ships in case anything happens. It will not take long and it should not be very difficult for me." Ilweran grinned and nodded his understanding as Hiccup turned Toothless to leave. Astrid calling to him before he could get away. He swooped down to the ship first and quietly relayed his plan to her. Watching as the spark of excitement kindled in her eyes at the prospect of witnessing more magic. Sighing in resignation, he motioned for her to come along. Once her and Stormfly were airborne, the four of them took off towards the Gate.


As they arrived at the edge of the fog bank, Astrid looked around in concern. "Are you really able to get rid of this much fog with magic?" Smiling at her, Hiccup reached up and drew one of his swords from its sheath.

"Just watch" he told her, grinning slyly as he held the sword out in front of him. Then raising his voice slightly he said, "Vailë!" Astrid stared in awe as the blue line and engravings along the blade illuminated brightly with the strange blue-purple and green dancing light that she had seen once before. Just as she was about to ask him what that word meant, she felt a gust of wind whip at her hair. The gale grew steadily stronger as the mists in front of them began to shift. Suddenly melting away to reveal the jagged shards of rock protruding from the ocean that guarded the volcano at its centre.

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now