Epilogue 4

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Their bags were packed and their dragons were ready. Toothless in particular was impatient to get back to the warm weather of Alfheim. Hiccup waited quietly as Astrid said a tearful goodbye to her family. Then he heard his father and Gobber approaching and went over to greet them. After embracing them both, he reminded them to use the feathers if they really needed to talk to him.

"Take care of yourself, son." His father's voice broke slightly with those words, but he held it together in front of the gathered crowd. Hiccup did feel sad about leaving them again, so soon after being reunited. There was nothing to be done for it though. Bríghid had been right. He had a great destiny ahead of him and he could not fulfill it from Berk. At least he was going to have Astrid with him from now on. This thought made him smile as he allowed his gaze to wander over to where she was still standing with her parents.

"I will be alright dad. I can clean up my own messes now and everything." This wrung a shaky chuckle out of Stoick as Gobber smiled at him with shining eyes. They clasped hands once more before Hiccup left to retrieve Astrid. "It is time to go," he said softly to her, placing one hand on her arm. She nodded and hugged everyone once more. Hiccup shook hands with her father and brothers before receiving a tight hug from her mother.

Astrid was still trying to stop the tears from flowing as they walked away. Hiccup placed one arm around her. Pulling her tight against his side as she looked up at him with a watery smile. A grateful sigh leaving her lips as she leaned into him. When they reached the dragons, it was to find Ilweran standing with Minden and Snotlout. Hiccup grinned menacingly at Snot as he allowed a hint of predatory darkness to shadow his eyes.

He took a moment to enjoy the way his cousin visibly flinched under his gaze, before delivering his warning. "You had better be good to her. Otherwise, I will personally hunt you down," he said, shooting a glance at Minden. The willowy blonde cackled wickedly and grinned up at him.

"I just love it when you get all protective of me, my delicious dark prince," she purred. Leaning up onto her toes to kiss him on the cheek as Hiccup wrapped his arms around her. Picking her up in a tight bear hug that she returned with a chuckle. All of them watching Snot turn a sickly sort of green. Gulping nervously as he looked back and forth between the two imposing Riders. Ilweran gave Snot a feral smile of his own that looked incredibly feline and dangerous. Hiccup could only assume that Ilweran had also just finished threatening the man.

After setting Minden back on her feet, Hiccup held his hand out to Snot with an easy grin. He gave a shaky nod as he took Hiccup's proffered hand in his own. Still, his handshake was firm and determined, and a small smile eventually tugged at the corner of his mouth as he met Hiccup's eyes again. "Take care cousin," he finally said.

"You too cousin," Hiccup nodded back, as Minden put a hand on Snot's shoulder. Astrid looked momentarily confused at this exchange, but then understanding sparked in her eyes.

She looked at Minden with a knowing smile. "You're not leaving with us, are you?" The other girl grinned slyly before replying.

"Nope. I feel that my vast and impressive skill set would be put to better use here. Someone needs to integrate all these unruly Vikings into this new dragon colony. Besides, I couldn't stand to leave Ruffnut all alone with these heathens."

Astrid snorted loudly at this before hugging the girl tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much, you crazy hot mess," she said with a laugh as they broke apart. "You're like the super awesome sister that I always wanted!"

Minden laughed again as she said, "aww, thanks hun! I feel exactly the same way about you girl and I'm so glad that we know each other! I'm going to miss you guys too! So much! Don't be strangers, okay? Come back and visit us as soon as you can; and I expect you to keep this one in line. Or not. Personally I kind of prefer his dark side..." she chuckled as she gestured to Hiccup, who grinned wickedly back. Astrid agreed with a wink as the two girls hugged again. Just then, the rest of the gang made their way over. Cami positively launching herself at Ilweran.

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now