Truths And Trials

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*Lemon Alert*


Hiccup was only gone for a little over a day. Returning the second morning with a few wild dragons in tow for them to practice on. Just as he had said, they did not attempt to ride these dragons. Instead, they simply tried to gain their trust enough to approach them. At first Astrid had been quite sceptical that they would even be able to get close to such wild creatures. Eventually she realized that he had been right all along. The dragons were kind and gentle as long as you didn't do anything to threaten them.

After training that day, Astrid ran straight to the cove. During his absence, she had resolved that Hiccup was going to give her some answers. No matter what he and Ilweran said, she just had to know some things. Mostly, she needed to know who and what Hiccup was. His words, peculiar abilities, and absolute inhuman-ness were driving her to distraction. Add to that Ilweran's suspicious statement about being 'sort of' human, and she just had more questions than ever.

As she ran into his embrace, Hiccup picked her up and spun her around. Kissing her exuberantly before setting her back on her feet. She had been determined to be unyielding and demanding with him, but instead he just disarmed her again. "I expect that you are here to ask me some things. Am I correct to assume that you are planning to force the answers out of me if you have to," he asked her with a smirk. Seemingly reading her thoughts yet again.

"Yes, that's right," she smiled up at him and he kissed her again.

"Well, if it is the truth you want, then you should probably sit down first." Barely a moment later, they were suddenly sitting on one of the boulders by the pond. Astrid perched on his lap without even really knowing how she'd gotten there. He just wrapped his arms around her to hold her close as he gazed down into her stunned face with a smirk. "There, much better. Now, what is bothering you the most mi'lady?"

"What are you?" The words burst from her before she could stop them, and Astrid felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment. When Hiccup chuckled at her outburst though, she felt the peculiar need to elaborate. "I've been watching you since you got back. From your arrival at the nest, to the other day with Ilweran and Eret, and every possible moment in between. Needless to say, I have noticed a few things."

"Only a few," Hiccup asked with feigned innocence.

"Okay, I've noticed a lot of things. I'm not the only one either! Eret thinks that you and Ilweran don't seem human, and I have to agree with him. You guys are gigantic, unnatural beasts. Too fast, too strong, and too beautiful. It's not normal," she exclaimed.

"Not to mention that you can apparently jump from ridiculous heights while carrying a full grown woman, and somehow not kill either of you with the landing. Then Ilweran said that he was 'sort of human', whatever that means, but it really seemed to confirm what I already felt." She paused to take a breath then before continuing. Somewhat surprised that he hadn't immediately cut across her to start denying it all or tell her that she was crazy. "Oh, and let's not forget your scary fangs, and the terrifying fact that you can snarl and growl just like a dragon..."

"You think my teeth are scary? That is not really the way I remember it, exactly. I seem to recall you practically jumping me when I growled at you," he grinned wickedly at her. Exposing his gleaming fangs and causing that cursed wave of desire to churn in her gut again. She growled unimpressively and punched him in the shoulder.

"Stop trying to distract me. You know what I mean. Anyways, Ilweran said that 'your type' tend to get territorial. At first I thought that he meant dragon riders, but now I'm not so sure. What type was he talking about Hiccup? And don't you dare tell me that I'm crazy or imagining it!"

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now