Beautiful Monsters

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The days following the duel between Hiccup and Snotlout had a weird surreal-ness about them. Of course, it had been somewhat awkward to face her parents. Especially now that they knew the rumours were not just rumours. Their precious daughter was not an innocent maiden, and hadn't been for some time. Her father had been furious at first, but surprisingly, it was her mother that had her back. Placating his anger by reminding him that technically, Astrid was still betrothed to a future chief, and a more legitimate one at that.

Her mother, to her credit, had only been worried about the possibility of illegitimate children conceived out of wedlock. At the mention of this, Hiccup had rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly for a moment before looking over at Astrid. "I probably should have told you before now, but I just really was not sure how to start." She shot him a confused look, but he mouthed, "later" before turning back to meet her parents' scrutinizing gaze. Surely they were about to receive some very uncomfortable news...

"Due to... ahh... complicated reasons... I am actually not able to impregnate your daughter. Perhaps one day, if she decides that it is what she truly wants, but certainly not any time soon. There is honestly no guarantee that it will ever happen, and to even try would take a great deal of preparation and effort on my part." Settling his startlingly green eyes on her father, he quickly added, "and before you bludgeon me Troels, that is not the type of effort that I am talking about..." he trailed off. Glancing sideways at Astrid where she sat beside him, stunned into silence, before reaching out to take her hand in his and giving it a comforting squeeze. An irresistibly soothing warmth spreading out from his touch.

Her mother was the first one to break the sudden and suffocating tension in the room. "You cannot father children, Hiccup?" Her tone was surprised, but still gentle and sympathetic. Clearly this had not been the news she had expected to hear. Astrid suspected that her parents had assumed they were about to learn that she was already pregnant, not that she never could be. Obviously her mother now felt sorry for them. Hiccup, on the other hand, simply shrugged.

"As I said, it is very complicated. There are ways, but they are all difficult and dangerous, and there is no guarantee of positive results from the risk. Still, if Astrid decides that it is what she wants, then someday we may try. For now though, you may rest assured that your daughter will not be bearing any illegitimate heirs." Troels Hofferson met Hiccup's gaze for a long moment, before finally sighing in defeat. Brenna simply moved to hug her daughter, somehow sensing the unease that was still growing in Astrid's chest, despite Hiccup's comforting magic.

Hiccup could not father children with her? At least, not without some sort of difficult and dangerous procedure. Why? What was wrong with him? Or was there something wrong with her? Did it have to do with the bonding process? Was she ruined now? All of these thoughts were swirling through her mind as the got up to leave the house. Her mother shooting one more sympathetic look at her before seeing them out the door.

Making their way back through the village, Hiccup took one look at her troubled face before pulling her off in the direction of the trees. Coming to a stop when they were far enough away from the nearest lodges and facing her. She could feel the weight of his eyes on her, but she seemed only able to stare off into the surrounding shadows. Not really taking in anything that she was looking at. Her thoughts too scattered and chaotic to allow for anything else.

"Astrid, please look at me," he said gently. As they stood together, silent and motionless amongst the safety of the sheltering forest. Hidden from prying eyes and ears, as her world slowly fell apart around her. When she finally managed to meet his gaze, she saw that his eyes were full of a deep sadness. He took one of her hands in his as he brought his other hand up to gently cup her cheek.

She leaned her face into his touch as he said, "I am so, so sorry Astrid, but the truth of the matter is that I am an elf and you are still essentially a human. Our bodies are completely incompatible to produce offspring together. Anyways, elves cannot bear children without a very complex magical ritual. Still, it is possible. Someday. Just not now. The ritual required would likely kill you right now. Humans are, truly, quite fragile creatures."

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now