~Part IV.~

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The flashing red and blue lights, the loud noises and the uncomfortable darkness, where you couldn't see properly and you couldn't speak or move. When you regained your conscious you were laying on the hospital bed. The bed was framed with white curtains. Memories flashing back in your mind, like a never ending story, all over again, about your attacker, you tried to memorize the shape of her face but you forgot everything when you felt down from the stairs. What happened then? You don't remember anyting, you looked down on your arms, both of them were covered with white gauze, then you felt a sharp pain in your head, you furrowed your eyebrows. "Was it serious?" - you wondered, when a picture of your bood clovered hands crossed your mind.

- Miss Y/N, are you awake now? - a doctor came in through the curtains. He held your hospital card.

- You injured your head badly, but thankfully you had a light concussion. How do you feel yourself? We should keep you in the hospital, till the remaining medical examinations.

- Ah, I see... What about the attacker? Where is she? - you asked, because it was the only thing that mattered.

- I don't know nothing about this miss. The police will arrive soon, shall I call them that you are awake? - you nodded.

- Also, you have some visitors. - your eyes widened:

- Visitors? - you repeated. Before the doctor could reply, Jisung pulled apart the courtains and dramatically pulled you in his arms, he was still sobbing:

- Y/N I'm so sorry about what happened! This is all, our fault!!!

- Ouch, Han.... This is hurting me right now! - you said and gently pushed him away:

- I will take you on a date, when you are released from the hospital, okay? We will eat ice cream and go to the riverside!! Lee Know can join us as well, if he is behave until then!

- Don't count me in! I have to spend some quality time with my cats as well! You can come over Y/N if you want, my cats are can't wait to meet with you! - you were blinking rapidly, try to process how kind they were actually with you.

- Stop it guys, just let her rest a little bit. The police is after the attacker. - Chan spoke up and suddenly the room became quiet again, then you realized Felix and Hyunjin wasn't there.

- This is a relief Chris. Still.... I'm confused, I try to remember her appareance but I forgot everything. One thing for sure, she is obsessed with Felix... Maybe I really spent too much time with him!

- He is your best friend, you shouldn't blame yourself! - you glanced at Changbin with thankful smile:

- Yes, I guess you are right.

- To be honest, it was shocking, we even heard about you in the news as well! - Seungmin added.

- You all came here... I'm so happy.

- We couldn't reach Felix tho, he is acting strange lately...

- Seungmin is right, he is hidding something... At first, Hyunjin said that maybe you two are dating but c'mon Y/N you have a better taste than that! - uhh sorry Changbin, you knew it as well that you chossed the wrong person, now it's just became even clearer for you. To be honest, it's still hurt you a little bit, he was with Mia for sure if he is not picking up his phone.

- Noona!!!! - Jeongin came in, like a tornado, with a bouqet of flowers in his hand, his eyes were red from crying. He kneeled down beside your bed, like a knight in a shining armour. The others tried not to laugh at loud at his actions, the nurses were also whispering about how cute is him:

- Woah, you really bought this I.N, how generous... You are just like a real little brother! - at your words, everyone started laughing, except Jeongin:

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