~Part VIII.~

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Your father went back to Australia and his old friend's son, called Arnold, who made the worst impression on you, had to fly to the states because of a business trip. But, he promised with you that you will share a dinner with Arnold, when he comes back to Seoul in April. Just the thought of it made you shiver, you never resist you father's oder also you became tounge-tied everytime he asked you to do something, what you didn't want to. Maybe it's time to say no, and you were sure that you will start a fight with him if he insists you to marry someone, who isn't chosen by you. In this case, you'd rather die alone from hunger, in a dark pit. The pressure was heavy on your fragile shoulders but you were still strong enough to carry it. However, the date of the trip was right on the corner and this fact gave you goosebumps as well. 

After the fanmeeting, you didn't met with the boys, nor Hyunjin, they were too busy before there short holiday. So, one day before the travelling you were standing above your suitcase with a panicked expression. A trip to Busan, didn't sounds that bad, you never been there and one thing for sure, it's a beautiful place but visiting for the first time with such a bad company seems not that inviting. What if you can't control your jealousy and emotions, when you see Mia and Felix kissing on the beach or holding hands in front of you? Thankfully you never experienced their overflowing love before in the real life and it's better stays like this because you can't handle it yet. Also, being with Hyunjin, sharing one hotel room, felt like an absolute misery. How can you survive it? Maybe, you should pack some sedative as well to cope with the stress.

At the next morning, you arrived earlier at the station your train ticket was creasy in your hands from your nervousness. You bought some snack to eat on the train, while travelling, also you created a playlist with calming nature sounds to calm you down, and you put some camomille tea in your coat's pocket just in case. Sedative after all seemed a brutal solution to your current problems. Felix and Mia appeared at the station, they were wearing a cute matching jumper with cherry blossom on it, also a matching pair of sunglasses because they didn't want any recognition. They looked so cute, like a couple straight out of Pinterest. Hyunjin carried an enermous bag, it was full with cosmetics and clothes, this trip takes only two days but he would never miss an opportunity to look as good as possible. He was trying to pretend that he is the happiest to go on a trip with them but deep down, he just felt himself the biggest loser next to Felix: 

- Woah, matching outfits? - he asked, when he saw them in the same jumper: 

- We bought it yesterday! - replied Mia, while proudly smiling at her boyfriend: 

- Isn't it cute? - you nodded with a forced "aww" sound, it was truly pathetic. Some time remained, before the train is leaving, so Felix and Mia went to the nearby bakery to buy breakfast, and they left you and Hyunjin alone. 

- Arghhhhhh!!! - Hyunjin screamed, while covering his face with the checked scarf: 

- Why didn't you text me that you are going to wear a cream-colored coat! Then, I won't pick a black one! We could wear matching clothes as well! - you just rolled your eyes: 

- We have matching rings, remember? Don't worry about it, it won't make their love more sincere, plus it's cringey. 

- Cringey or not, I want a couple outfit with you! Now! 

- Can you please stop being a hard-mouthed kid?! I should have bring some sedatives with myself.. 

- I see, you are not just an alcoholic, you are addicted to meds as well. - you grined, it's useless to start a fight with him and it's way to early at the morning to kill him. Felix interrupted your lovely chit-chatting with Hyunjin, he brought some croissant to the two of you as well: 

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