🦋Part XIX. 🦋

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When you heard that the boys finally get some rest you immediately thought how good it will be to spend some quality time with Felix but the reality kicked in again. Because he had to attend on a photoshoot again with Mia for a magazine cover and if it wasn't enough, the photoshoot took place in Japan so he had to leave the city and you behind. 

- Are you mad? - he asked while waiting at the airport, he was wearing sunglasses and a black mask to cover himself. Your grip tightened around your coffee cup: 

- I shouldn't be mad, this is your job after all. Going to photoshoots and interviews, you are an idol and I'm just an ordinary person. 

- Y/N, you are not ordinary to me! Above all, for you I'm not an idol, remember? I'm your other half! - he insisted and you nodded. You couldn't deny it, somehow it made you sad. Not just because you never have a chance to be with him properly but it bothered you that Mia will be there. They seemed to had a lot of fun yesterday at the arcade: 

- Hyunjin must be sad as well. I'm sure he wanted to spend more time with Mia. Guess, we are just the same, we cursed to wait for our loves to finally be with them. 

- Don't compare yourself to him! I seriously don't like how he always manages to accidentally end up around you. - you sipped from your iced coffee: 

- We have a little history you know. That's why we are stick together but it doesn't mean that we are on good terms. He still hates me but he started to pity me because of you. 

- Because of me? - Felix repeated your words: 

- I mean, maybe they are speaking about this with Mia but we didn't agree on it how to behave with each other when we aren't alone. - you tried to tell me what's bothering you to get reassurance and strength for the next time when he will act cold in your presence. Because yesterday you cried out your eyes after he left. 

- Are you talking about the kiss? I thought we spoke about it before I have to do everything to make my relationship as credible as possible! The last time you almost ruined it with that picture, my manager was furious! - you couldn't believe it, is he talking about the 'photo incident'? How can he say that it was your fault? The stalker leaked out the picture, you didn't do anything wrong against him: 

- How can you say something like this Felix? Are you gone? Think before you speak! I wasn't the one who you need to blame because of that picture! - you were clearly mad at this point, you just wanted to hear him that he will put your feelings first the next time when he invites you to go out with the others. You just wanted to tell him how much it hurt when you see him loving another girl. Isn't it normal to feel like this after how he behaved last night? Or he is right and you are overreacting it? You don't know anymore. 

- Babe, I didn't mean it... - he sighed: 

- Please don't make a scene. 

- I would never do that Lix. I'm quite patient but I'm not sure that you are the one who is right at the moment. - you said shakily: 

- I need to get on the plane soon. Kiss me at least, I don't want to leave for two days like this. - you turned around to do as he said but someone disturbed the two of you: 

- Are you ready Lix? - you heard Mia's cheerful voice. He was wearing a crop top and high waisted denim jeans, he looked so effortlessly stylish that it made you stare at the ground from jealousy. " I will never look like her..." - the realization brought teardrops in your eyes but you swallowed it. 

- We need to hurry, the manager is waiting for us. 

- Alright then, we can't make him wait. - he looked at you and pat your shoulder: 

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