💖Part X.💖

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The next week, you went to the police station to ask them if they found any new information regarding to the sasaeng's indentity. Sadly, they coulnd't give you reasuring news. The electricity went out and there weren't any cameras nearby, the houskeeper ajumma didn't see anything suspicious not even on the day of the burgulary. You sighed, it's hard to find any clue, which will led you to her without eyewitnesses. Maybe, the letter, what Felix got earlier could move the case forward but he asked you not to show anyone, since he didn't want the picture to leak out. You didn't understand his way of thinking, since the stalker threatened him to disclose the picture and question his relationship with Mia. Still, he said it can be dangerous if you show the photo to the police? You doubt, that anyone would see the picture beside the competents. After all, you listened to him and trusted him, he said if things getting complicated and not easy to handle, he will go to the police station with you and show them the picture but it woulnd't be good to take this risk in the current situation. He was so calm and collected again, you wondered why? His reputation is at stake, he should be more worried after all. You couldn't be calm at all! The sasaeng thing made you panicked, also it's April already and you will have an offical date with that douchebag Arnold on Saturday! No way! You have to do something against it.

After you talked with Felix on the phone, about what happened at the police station, you grabbed your notebooks and tucked into a bag. Your lectures will start at noon and you have to get there in time. Lexy stayed at home, because she had a cold. She was still in a bad mood, just sitting in front of his computer and watching romcoms, she did this everyday, you went to her room for a short morning greeting:

- How do you feel yourself? - you asked.

- Uhm, nothing special. - she replied after a short break, with her headphones on.

- Is there anything that I can help you with? Washing dishes, doing the laundry? - you offered.

- No, thanks sis. - she seemed cold, you wanted to shake her up a little bit. Then, you noticed that the albums disappeared from the shelf, above her writing desk:

- Few days ago, I saw your Stray Kids albums on the shelf. I didn't know you are such a big fan of them! Why did you put them away? - you asked curiously. She turned around with the chair:

- Those albums are belongs to my ex. I forgot to throw them out but now I managed to hide them under the bed.

- Well, if you don't need them anymore, you can give it to me! I really love their music! - you said with a cheerful tone:

- Sure. However, I'd rather tear them apart.

- W-Why? Lexy, it's all in the past, you can't be angry at everything, what is somehow connected to your boyfriend! It's stupid and you know this as well! Also, those albums are made with a great effort...

- What? Are you hear yourself right now? - she interrupted you.

- You are really a big fan of this band! Kpop fans are all weirdos, how can you talk so highly about them? - you hummed, why she is so stubborn? You better leave this conversation, you couldn't say anything supporting or reasuring since you thought she is out of her mind. She doesn't tell you about what happened with her boyfriend so how can you understand what she is going through? If she is playing mute with you?

After the university, you ate your lunch at one of the nearby parks, watching the clear sky and enjoying the sunshine made you relaxed. The gentle breeze ruffled your locks and the sun put a slight pink color on your cheeks. For a moment it was nice, forget about all of the troubles and just be in peace with the world around you, true it couldn't last longer because your day was already packed. You needed to visit the dorm and check up on your "fake boyfriend" to maintain their belief in your relationship. To be honest, it was no longer a hatred task to do! The last time you talked with him, he became so sweet and his sincere words warmed your heart. You still don't know if he was talking about Mia or not, but it doesn't matter if he loves that girl with all of his heart, who are you to judge? After all, he never questioned your love towards Felix, you were the one who questioned his adoration. You have to admit it, maybe it was a harsh thing to doubt.

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