~Part XVII.~

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Physical pain most of the times can be cured with medicines. Wounds are eventually healed and a little mark will be the only reminder of what happened. However, when you feel pain in your soul caused by emotions, things are more difficult. There is no medicine for a broken heart and when love is mixed with anger it will bloom into the scariest acts of revenge. Seeing you with him is already bitter and sad but seeing you kissing him was something else, he remembered every detail how you touched him and pulled him closer and how happy and calm you seemed with your eyes closed in pleasure. Of course, after it happened, without answering to Felix's questions he just rushed out and left the two of you behind. The picture was no longer important, he wanted to tell you and clear himself. He wasn't the one who sent it to you. That girl, she took the picture when he was with her and she thought it will be funny if she wrote this caption and send the picture to Changbin. Hyunjin just agreed on it because he wanted to see his friend reassured about the fact that he is okay after the breakup. Even though he wasn't and he couldn't deny it anymore. He was hopelessly in love with you but you never gave him any chance to confess. You never listen, you are just against the idea and saying that it can't be sincere. He didn't understand, why he is so hated in your eyes? How can you forgive him and see how much he meant these words? You are not the one to decide, you can't ban him from loving you.

"Damn it! I just can't get you off my head! I just don't know how to say it out loud if you aren't listening. I couldn't tell you about the picture as well, I bet that girl did this on purpose!" - he was lying in his bed, the dorm became empty, too quiet for his racing thoughts. It was late in the afternoon, the sunlight was dancing on the skyscrapers in the distance. He scrolled through his phones, plenty of messages from the trainee girl. She was apologizing for her mistake and she was trying to convince him that she sent this picture to the wrong person accidentally.

- Sure. I'm not mad... - Hyunjin sighed while rolling to the other side of the bed. "There is no point being mad anyway." - again, the picture of you and Felix appeared in his mind. It was haunting him. It's so unfair that you didn't feel the same pain as him, it can't be that first in his life he was the one who gets hurt. He was the one who gets rejected for real. How is it possible? How pathetic it would sound to his fans? They are adoring him, they would scream and fight to get a single glimpse from him. "For Y/N I'm just a beautiful doll without heart. A doll who is rotten inside, right?" - why does it hurt so bad? Usually, in doramas, the protagonists hate each other at the beginning but then they are starting to grow feelings and they are fell in love at the end. Isn't it the right order? Then, why don't you fall in love with him? Why is it has to be one-sided? It was the first time in his life when he experienced something so overwhelming like this. He was still young but he wanted to be with you, he wanted to be faithful and loving towards you then why did you reject him and doubting him all the time? "I want you to cry when you are seeing me with someone else as well. I want to forget you so bad Y/N..."

When he realized this, something triggered within him. Maybe he needs to prove you what a fool you were when you let him go. He needs to shake those memories off, those memories of you and Felix together. His pride, his confidence everything is shattered to the ground thanks to a girl, like YOU. Not pretty, not unique in style, just ordinary. Still, you are on his mind, when he is surronded by the most beautiful idols.

- No way. - he chuckled. You are not that perfect, you won't make him feel like that again.

- Worthless? You said I made you feel worthless but you are the one who made feel like shit! Hmpf! I can't believe it! Just watch me, fuck you Y/N I'm gonna show you! - quickly he called that trainee girl from earlier. She was kinda cute and sweet, always following him and obeying for his wishes. It's a little bit awkward that he doesn't remember her name though.

☁️Dreaming Of You ☁️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ