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Taehyung found himself on the same pool chair he was sat at last time, despite protesting against coming multiple times. Ugh fuck Jeongukk and his knowledge that he was one of Taehyungs weakness. He's so mean.

Like last time, he had another textbook in front of him. This time it was a Physics one, the information being completely different, but the fact that Taehyung didn't understand any of it being the same.

"Ugh." He groaned aloud, already feeling bored, sweaty, and tired. A girl tapped him on the shoulder, handing him a bottle of suntan lotion.

"What's this?" He asked, although he knew what it was. He wasn't that stupid. What he meant to ask was what she wanted him to do with it. She managed to get the message anyway. Thank God he wasn't the smart one in the conversation.

She pointed over to the lifeguard stand, where Jeongukk sat eating a bag of Cheetos. What a fatass.

"Your boyfriend asked me to give this to you." She said, and Taehyung opened his mouth to speak- before realizing that an explanation would require more talking, and he didn't want to have a whole conversation right now. The thoughts in his head were tiring enough. So, instead he just left it as it was. "Thank you."

She nodded with a grin. "You guys are cute."

Taehyung just gave her a forced smile, and dropped the lotion on his legs as she walked away.

What was this even for?

Taehyung decided to get up, and talk to the boy who seemed to be so popular in all aspects in life. He seemed to brighten up at the blondes presence.

"Why did you give me this?" He asked simply, giving him the bottle.

The younger shrugged, "Remember last time you got that sunburn?" Just thinking about the memory made Taehyung shiver in fear. He can't believe Jeongukk even brought that up. But his plan seemed to work, because he snatched the lotion back into his hands.

"Okay. Good point. That wasn't fun."

"I bet it wasn't." Jeongukk added amusedly, and only then did Taehyung notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Hey! Put on a shirt. You wonder why all these girls are thirsting over you. That's probably why." He scolded, rolling his eyes at the sight.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Jeongukk teased, and Taehyung scoffed.

"As if. I'm just saying. Don't complain if you're the one causing it in the first place."

Now it was Jeongukks turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever."

He pushed Taehyungs head away with his finger.


Taehyung didn't know how or when it started, but the two were now having a pretty heated fight. It was normal to fight with your best friends and they had tons before, but this one was different. Jeongukk has never been the one who initiated it.

The girl from the previous day had come back to thank him, and he said that it was only his job. She then started to flirt with him, but of course Jeongukk was oblivious and didn't understand. So when she tried to kiss him, he backed away. She didn't seem to understand that he didn't want to, even with him directly saying it. So that's when Taehyung came and started arguing with her. Things got crazy, and then she ended up on the floor crying.

Taehyung didn't see what the big deal was. But Jeongukk was so mad at him.

"Why would you do that?!" He questioned, Taehyung walking away as he tried to talk to him.

"Hey- I'm serious! Will you listen to me for once?!" He forced the boy to face him, pulling and then pushing his shoulder so that he would turn.

"What?!" He snapped, "You expected me to just let that happen?! Why do you even care so much?!" He threw his hands up.

"Why do I care?!"

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, why the fuck do you care?!" He had his hands balled in anger, his nails digging into his palms.

"I'm at my fucking job Taehyung! I could have gotten fired!" He responded.

"Oh! Well is it your job to be an asshole?!" He questioned.

"Is it your job to do shit like this?! I didn't ask you to. I can take care of myself!"

"And you know what?! You would know if you even cared about responsibilities!"

"Is that right?!" Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah." He said fast and loud, and Taehyung doesn't think he's ever seen Jeongukk actually mad before.

"Why did you even think that was a good idea?!"

Jeongukk turns him back around when he tries to walk away again, "Don't try to leave!"

Taehyungs face is hard when he faces him.

But the thing is that Jeongukks face matches it. "Shit, Taehyung! Sometimes you're so-" he cut himself off. "Sometimes your so-"

"Stupid?" He finished for the other. None of them noticed, but the blonde now had a small tear rolling down his cheek. He didn't even notice until the drop rolled onto his neck.

"What? I-" he paused again.

"Finish the sentence Jeongukk." Taehyung demanded. The younger only stood there. He didn't say anything. But he didn't deny it either.

Taehyung wiped the rest of the tears that fell, "My whole life people have been telling me that I'm dumb." He sniffled, "You're the only one that hasn't."

He turned away slightly.

Jeongukk breathed. "Tae." His voice was softer this time. He grabbed his arm, but the older pulled his away.

"Don't fucking talk to me. I don't want to talk to you."

And just like that he left. He didn't even try to look back to see the boy. He knew it would hurt more if he did.

Instead he just went home and cried to himself as he lied in his head.

He looked to his beside table and saw a picture of him and the brunette at some food truck place. That was the day they ended up getting food poisoning from some Tacos, and he would have laughed at the memory if it weren't for the pang in his heart.

He pushed the picture down angrily, before turning and facing the other side.

ok now that I think about it I'll probably be busy tmrw so I'll just publish this chap now. Also the Grammys are seriously pissing me off gosh.  At least they look like snaccs tho 👀

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