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The next few days weren't necessarily awkward, but there were a lot of unspoken words that needed to be said. For once in his life Taehyung was being quiet, and all he wanted was for Jeongukk to say something first. Something. Anything. Besides words that would be defined as a rejection of course. Especially because he has kind of established to himself that he liked the brunette. Everything about him.

He groaned, letting his head hit the desk as it fell.

Feelings are so annoying.

He let himself sulk a little bit, before feeling a tap on his shoulder. When he looked up to see a bright smile smiling down on him.

He tried to grin back as genuine as he could. The other must have seen through him anyway.

"What's wrong Taehyung?" He frowned, running a hand through his blonde hair. Taehyung groaned, moving to push his face into the desk some more—and then popping his his head back up moments later.

"I have a problem Jiminie." He mirrored the others previous frown, rubbing his arm.

"Want to talk about it?" He asks, giving him a hopeful smile.

Taehyung thinks for a second, he really thinks and— oh who was he kidding? he did want to talk about it.

He nods. "Please?"

Jimin giggles, "Yeah. I'll meet you by your locker later." He says, and Taehyung gives him an appreciated look. Not very distinctive, but he seemed to understand anyway.



He walked out the door of his last class. The thoughts in his head not making it any easier to concentrate. Usually the thought of Jeongukk made him happy and it still did, but with a little bit of the nervousness that came with the fear of rejection.

He walked down the hall. His hair was a little messed up and probably has some under eye bags from lack of sleep. His mom and dad made him especially upset last night, but he didn't have the courage to call jeongukk. He didn't realize how much he relied on the boy until now. He must be so annoyed. If anything Taehyung should be the one taking care of him. He's older anyway.

He rubbed the top of his own head, groaning.

Like he said before, feelings are so annoying.

He saw his locker come into distance, and slumped down by it.

Remember when Jeongukk ignored my text two days ago and then I double texted and he left me on read again? Fucksjdidj

He groaned quite dramatically, burying his face into his hands as if it could hide him from the world like an invisibility cloak.

Maybe he should stop thinking now.

But then if I stop thinking I'm going to think about what I'm not supposed to be thinking about to avoid thinking about what I'm not supposed to be thinking about but then I'm not truly not thinking about it because I need to know what I'm not supposed to think of to avoid thinking of it, therefore there is going to be a never ending cycle of thoughts until I—

"Hey, Tae. Ready to go?" A voice asks, all calm and collected and Taehyung wished he could relate.

Unburying his face he nods and looks up.

"Yes please. Take me a way forever." He groans again, taking the hand that Jimin left out for him. He gets pulled up, and they walk outside. The other laughs at his response.


"—after that he totally stopped talking to me and I don't know why." Taehyung finished gushing his feelings out to Jimin, shoving seven French fries down his throat at once.

He didn't look to see his reaction but knew that the other was probably shocked. He'd be shocked too.

He looked up and was met with a face that completely matched what he thought he would look like.

"What?" He asked, taking a big bite of his burger.

Jimin closed his mouth before opening it again to speak, "I— nothing, it's just.." he trailed off. "You guys really..made out?" He whispered the last part.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yes, Jimin. We made out a lot." He didn't really want to talk about all those details because it was making him sad. He ended the sentence with a pout.

"Where? Like at school, at—

"At his house." He answered. His wonderful house that he loved so much. And now he might never get to go there again.

Jimins gave him a look and he furrowed his eyebrows at it, "what?"

"Where in his house?"

He was about to ask why he was asking all these questions but decided against it because of the determined look on Jimins face.

"I don't know.." he did know. "He like carried me home because he felt bad I accidentally almost drowned myself."

Jimin nodded. "Mhm"

"Then put me on the couch when we got home."

"Interesting." He added.

"Then I asked him to kiss me and then he did."

"Ahh." He said again, and Taehyung paused to give him a confused face.

"So we started making out and he carried me up to his room where he.." he trailed off, "y'know."

"You guys fucked?!" Jimin whisper yelled kind of loudly, and Taehyung covered his ears and eyes again. He wished he had an invisibility cloak about right now too.

"No—no." He shook his head vigorously. "Didn't you hear any of what I said earlier.

He nodded, "oh, yeah."

The two flushed red in embarrassment.

"So what do you think?" Taehyung asked. He must've come to some conclusion if he asked all those questions.

"I think he likes you." Jimin said.

Taehyung blinked. "Okay. Why?" It's nice to hear but it's nothing if there isn't really an explanation.

"He wouldn't have done anything on his bed if didn't want to do it." Jimin chomps on his burger, holding out a finger before swallowing it down and continuing. "That's where he sleeps. Every time he's on it he's gonna think about what happened now."

The blonde grabs a fry and thinks before, "ughhh." He shoves it into his mouth.

"That's not necessarily a good thing."

Jimin shakes his head, "oh but it is."

The other quirks an eyebrow, mirroring the others lifted finger.

"How so?" Taehyung wonders.

"I don't know Jeongukk that well but I know him well enough to know that he's probably the most responsible one out of all of us." Jimin says and the blonde has to agree.

"There's no way he hadn't thought about the consequences before you guys started."

Jimin seems sure about his answer so Taehyung leaves it as it is before things get worse. He should just talk to him. But yet again, he doesn't think he will.


the bruise on my leg and arm said hello 😝
also sorry for not publishing I had this chap done for a while so oop—
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