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"Guk, I can't do it!" Taehyung whined, clinging to the younger as they both adjusted to the water temperature.

"You can. I'm literally right here." Jeongukk attempted to assure him, but if he were being honest, the other was being a tad bit ridiculous.

"No, I can't! I'm gonna die! Oh my gosh I'm going to die!" He cried out, burying his face into the others bare shoulder.

"Dude, you won't. Plus, the only way you're going to learn how to swim is if you get in the water!"

"So what I'm hearing is you want me to drown." Taehyung replied, raising his eyebrows.


"No I get it Jeongukkie, you want me to drown. Fine, let me go—" He continued to bicker and complain until the other decided that letting go is what he would actually do.

Taehyung yelped as he nearly fell backward, holding onto his arms for stability. "Jeongukk!" He yelled, shocked. "How could you let me go!"

"Isn't that what you asked for?"

"!" Taehyung searched for words but ended up with none in the end. "Whatever! Bring me back to the shallow."


"Don't, 'Tae', me!" He narrowed his eyes. "I'd storm off if I didn't have to risk dying to do it."

"You can if you want to. Reall—"

Taehyung brought a finger up to his lips to quickly shush him. "Jeongukk, bring me back to land right now or I will bop you in the face so fast..."

The boy blinked, nodding. "Okay."

Once brought to the very edge of the pool, Taehyung walked up the steps. Jeongukk decided against making a comment on how they were already in what was considered the shallow part of the pool, 3ft deep.

The blonde, attempted to shake off some water before fully getting out, eyes set on his feet until noticing two high heeled ones in front of him.

What kind of wacko wears heels to the pool?

However, when he looked up, his question was immediately answered.



Not wanting to deal with her, Taehyung turned the other way and began speed walking. His arm was caught however, by Jeongukk.


Taehyung met his eyes, wondering why he was looking at him like that. He was a tad bit confused.

"Gukkie." He repeated the same tone. "What's with the look?" He giggled.

For Jeongukk, he was cursing himself internally. Taehyung was looking real adorable if he were being honest with himself, and he—he was not prepared to make him upset. However, for the sake of being honest with him like a good boyfriend should—he had to do it.

"Tae, I invited her."

And the look that Taehyung gave him in return, made him want to punch himself in the face a million times.

(Jeongukk rn 😐🙃🤡💀)

"What?" He blinked, tilting his head.

"You invited her?"

Jeongukk bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to think about the obvious sad face Taehyung was about to make.

"I can't believe you." He huffed, noting the brunettes prolonged silence.

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