An Awkward Hello(Edited)

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Note: This has been edited because I wrote this three years ago, and I'm cringing at the grammar and pacing. Have fun! And warning, CURSE WORDS!! That's pretty scary, huh?


It was a typical day. The nations of the world were having a meeting in Washington D.C., America's Capitol. This was a normal meeting as well, and of course it was chaotic.

"I'M THE HERO!" screamed America.

"WE DON'T CARE, NOW SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH YOU TWAT!" shouted Britain in response. 

Both nations were arguing as France laughed in the background.

"Onhonhon, such childish antics!" 

Britain flushed in embarrassment.

"Shut your mouth, frog face!" 

Japan is awkwardly staring at the fighting nations, for he was far too timid to calm England and America down. China was trying to sell his food and medicine to the Mediterranean bunch while Russia was quietly smiling at the commotion. Both Italys were either eating pasta or pizza, and Prussia was having an arm-wrestling competition with Hungary. And Germany, well, he is about to blow his top. As the poor German man's face hole is about to explode, a loud noise was being heard from behind the meeting's doors. It sounded very much like a stampede but at a much smaller scale in comparison; the noise approached the door by the second. This strange sound stopped the many actions of the countries as they redirected their attention to the door. Rumble. Rumble. Rumble. It was getting louder and closer by the second.

"Ve~ This is-a scaring me!" Italy cried.

The door bursts open! And behind the wooden door walls were...teenagers? One was a young boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. His slightly tanned skin resembled the attire he was wearing; a beige cowboy hat with a flannel shirt and overalls. The other teen was a moderately pretty girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. Her skin tone was slightly darker than the boy; she was also wearing an alligator shirt with matching green cargo shorts. Both looked sweaty and out-of-breath.

"Stupid Northerner...her life is depending on fucking coffee...all I need is iced tea and I'm fine," said the boy.

"Sí, mi amigo. All I need to some cocai- I mean Coca-Cola." the girl laughed awkwardly. 

The blonde stared wide-eyed at the girl but brushed it off. The girl quickly wiped her nose when his back faced her.

"I think we're safe-" the boy stopped as he turned his head to witness confused nations and an angry America. "God damn it!" the boy said.


*cue picture of Texas and mini person-Texas* Hetalia, y'all!


"Who in the bloody hell are you two?" questioned the Brit.

"Uh..uh...uh" stammered the boy "We lost our way an' ran into the wrong room, righ' Flo?" The girl quickly nodded her head. The two teens then began to open the door slowly as America said seriously,

"Do you have an explanation for this?" His eyes narrowed and his mouth was pressed to a straight thin line. The pair stiffened as they turned to meet the man. The girl robotically went forward and wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead even though the temperature was pretty cool in the room.

"Well, do you want the whole explanation or a part of it. I mean, papa-sir, there are uh people around us. Ha..ha.."


The nations felt like they were bystanders during this whole ordeal as they rarely see the usually bright-eyed, loud American be so serious. It was unsurprising for a country his level to be more professional and composed during wartime, and he didn't deter from the norm in terms of that; it seems like this situation was different. His anger was different. This interruption also had piqued their interest.

The cowboy gulped and took a deep breath, also stepping forward to be arm-and-arm with his female partner.


"Did the coffee machine break, Tex?"

"Yes, sir." 

"Did you know who broke it?"

"Tex" was about to speak up but closed his mouth shut. The girl quickly panicked and kicked him in the knees.

"Ya don't use your 'honor' right now, Tex! Do you want to die or be morally righ'?! Are you loco?!!"

"I can' break my pal's' trust like tha', ya know? Snitchin' ain't righ'!"

America sighed and pressed his hand over his mouth and chin, seemingly thinking.

"I'll raise your federal budget for NASA."

"It was Michigan."


Tex places his left hand on his hip and leans down to be on eye-level with his slightly-shorter companion, who was hot in anger.

"Now, now, Flo. Remember Exodus 20:12 of the Bible? 'Honor your father and your mother-'"

"'so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.' I know, I know! Don't have to be all high and mighty around me. Ay, dios mío!"

America starts tapping his foot which immediately makes the two teens stiffen again.

"Why did New York blame you then, Tex, if Michigan did it?"

"I was polishin' my pistol righ' next ter the machine when Michigan swung too wide and hit the machine wit' 'er hockey stick. I couldn't even explain myself cus Michy ran straigh' to the hills when she saw the Yankee walk into the room! It's not my fault!"

America sighed in relief, thank God it was a misunderstanding and not...war! That was a definite plus! England clears his throat.

"I assume that they are your...states? So, they're like your children and you're their father? This was a surprise..."

America nodded.


"So, I guess we hafta introduce ourselves?" said Tex.

"Well, they do need an explanation." answers America. 

The two states stared beyond the room full of nations.

The girl pushes Tex aside and confidently points to herself.

"Hola! My name is Florida!" She begins to wave at the nations lazily.

"And I'm Texas. Thas all ya need to know from me. I ain't interested in associatin' with any of you's. " said the cowboy. He began to eye a few certain nations. 

The whole room began to be in an uproar.

"America is a father?"

"Wait, what happened?"

"My former children!"

"This is very interesting..."

"How old are they?"

"Is there-a more?"

BANG!! ( bang into my heart~~ sorry it reminded of a song, sorry continue)

"You nations are so loud. All of y'all are glad tha' I didn't bring my rifle today."

Texas blows the smoke off from the pistol's tip and swiftly returns it to it holster. 

"Sorry for all this, guys haha! But we weren't gonna do anything so might as well meet the rest of them! " Says America, back to his usual self.


Yo! Just another story that I will be working on! If any of you have any questions, ask me in the comments below! As always, goodbye gamers and non-gamers!


Edit: Mango/Barusu here, look it's tolerable!

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